twenty three.

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「 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 」

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the movie marathon had ended a few minutes ago, credits rolling and not being turned off yet from boredom or lack of interest. instead, they continued to run up the screen in a blur of black and white, not even being seen when the only thing the boy pictured was the water and waves from some nights ago.

taehyung had stayed in bed until eight am that morning, not even sleeping yet since all the fast and furious movies were being played. he decided it was better to force himself to focus on dom toretto instead of the other tall attractive man that wanted to squirm his way into the boys mind.

ever since that night, his head was a center of chaos and confusion — but also no confusion at all. it was easy to say that jungkook was attractive, and clearly had an affect on taehyung. those things couldn't be denied. the confusion came with the other guy, the one that taehyung didn't know if he should just forget about, despite everything from high school and the little progress he's made.

except, with hoseok it always felt like taehyung was going two steps forward and immediately catapulting three yards backwards. at least that's what it felt like seeing him dancing with yoongi. he didn't dance with taehyung like that.

taehyung rolled over onto his stomach and laid his cheek on the back of his head, staring at nothing in particular. he wondered what it would be like to dance with jungkook — if jungkook would even want to dance with him after everything he did to the ravenette.

"tae honey!" his mom yelled for him from downstairs. it had gotten later in the day and the boy still hasn't left him room yet. taehyung might even have drifted off to sleep, going in and out between wanting to dream but also think about boys and if he'd ever find the one, or if the one would even want him back.

he forced himself from bed and ran a hand through his hair, feeling the few knots getting stuck on his fingers and the pinch at his scalp from tugging anyways.

"yeah?" taehyung said, eyes still half closed while he came down to steps carefully.

his mother stood behind the kitchen counter and her smiled fell a little, "hun you look exhausted." she said. "did you not sleep alright?" she came over and cupped her sons cheek, brushing back his hair after. 

"it was okay." he lied, not wanting to get into it. ms. kim nodded and turned to go back into the kitchen, her son following too.

it smelled nice in there, the hot pans coming from the oven being the reason. they were still warm, but had been sitting out to cool for a few moments. "i'm going to need you to do me a favor, alright pumpkin." ms. kim wiped her hands on the side of her jeans, flour was across the denim material and matched that on her knuckles still.

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