Chapter 2: News Flash

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It was late at night. I just got done working at chipotle for tonight. My body had no energy at all. Anyway, I laid in my bed and scrolled through my contacts. Just then I noticed a name that I haven't seen in a while







"Jennie, I didn't even know I had your contact number," I said.

I dialed in her number and tried to call her. I haven't spoken to Jennie in years. We were good friends back in high school, but that was a long time ago. The phone kept ringing, and then it went to voicemail.

"Fuck, okay, let me try again," I said, trying to call her again.

The phone kept ringing, and then it went to voicemail again.

"Alright, it's getting late, I'll just send her a text saying WhatsUp or whatever," I said.

I went to the messages and texted her, saying hi. After that, I put my phone on the charger stand and went to sleep.

"Tomorrow is another day," I said before drifting to sleep.


I wake up to the loud sound of my alarm. I rub my eyes and snooze the clock. I get up and stretch my arms out, trying to get the blood flowing. After that, I go to the kitchen and cook up some eggs. After I ate breakfast, I went to the bathroom and washed up. Then, I went to my closet and picked out some clothes. After that, I pack my things for work and head out of my house. I go to my car and start driving to the chipotle that I work at. Once I got there, I clocked in and did my morning routine, which mashed the avocadoes and made guacamole. To be honest, getting the avocadoes out is easy. Mashing them is the hard part. After about a good minute or so, the guacamole was finished, and my hands were hurting.

"You are done with the guac Tae," I heard someone say.

I turn around and see the manager.

"Oh yeah, Teresa," I replied.

"Okay, well, good job Tae," she said.

More workers came in as the chipotle was about to open. Once we opened the doors to the public, it was mayhem. I was making bowls, burritos, you can name it. Doing this job is messy. I got sauce all over my apron.

"Your total will be 11.76, please," I said to the lady I was ringing up.

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