Chapter 7: The Second Owner

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Samantha Karver's Story


AUTUMN, 1955

I was on the floor, crying as my husband abused me.

"What did I tell you about going out of the house without my permission," he retorted.

"W~what did I do wrong," I asked him, still sniffing.

My husband then chuckled and then slapped me in the face. Tears were coming out of my eyes. I looked up, and he was just smirking at me as he had only done something evil. Just then, he pulled me to the bedroom and locked me inside. I turn around and start banging on the door, trying to get out.

"GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!!!" I yelled.

"You will get out once you learned your lesson," he replied.

"I'M NOT A FUCKING CHILD, IM YOUR WIFE, LET ME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I kept on the banging on the door until I was out of energy to do so. I just leaned against the door side, crying, begging for someone to help me.

"Please, someone help me," I mumbled in pain.


I headed up to the attic to find some random items in storage. I found some things like some old photos, kerosene for lanterns, and a doll. I picked up the toy and looked at it. On the back of the toy, there was a string that you could pull. So I pulled it to see what it does.

Dolly: Hello, my name is Dolly

I then pulled the string again.

Dolly: Do you want to be friends

Already the doll had me captured. Almost like it was a magnet to me. I brought the toy back down into the house and hid it from my husband. I went down into the kitchen, where I see my husband reading a newspaper at the dining table.

"Where did you go," he asked.

I look up, and he gave me a very intimidating look.

"I was in the attic looking at some stuff," I replied.

"Don't lie to me," he responded.

"I'm not lying."

Angered by him, I threw a glass down onto the ground, making it shatter into pieces. I then rushed into the bedroom and locked the door behind me.


What is up with that woman.


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