Chapter 18: Bang

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This was it; the mannequin was about to deliver the final blow on my face when suddenly, the figure was broken in two. The dummy falls down to the ground, broken. I look up and see Samantha, holding a bat in her arms.

"You okay," Samantha asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I replied.

I got up from the ground and brushed off the dust.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were guarding Jennie," I asked.

"Listen, I heard you guys screaming, and I thought you needed help," she replied.

"What are you doing here," Jimin asked. "I thought we told you to guard Jennie."

Jimin was getting aggressive again. I had to hold him back so that he wouldn't harm Samantha.

"Listen, Jimin, she just saved our asses, alright," I said.

Jimin then calmed down and began to explore the area.

"Samantha, where did you get the bat," I asked.

"Oh, I got it in the kitchen," she replied.

"Why was it in the kitchen," I asked.

"My husband abused me a lot, I hid a bat in the kitchen cabinet. Thank god after 65 years, it's still in the same spot," she responded.

We then went off and explored more of the room. I looked at the broken mannequin and realized something inside it. I shined my flashlight in the figure's chest and saw a key.

"Hey guys, I think I found something," I yelled out.

Jimin and Samantha came to me as I pulled out the key from the mannequin.

"What do you think it's for," Jimin asked.

"Well, one way to find out," I replied.

I went back to the unopened door and tried to unlock the door.

"What the hell," I mumbled.

There was one problem with the door. It had no keyhole.

"So, did you open up the door," Jimin said.

"No, there's no keyhole for that door; we need to find another way in," I replied.

We continued to explore the room, and I looked at the paintings up on the wall. It was some sort of eye, belonging to an owl.

 It was some sort of eye, belonging to an owl

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