Chapter 3: Invitation

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My mind was thinking about all these different types of things.

"Is Jennie dead, she has to be," I asked myself. "No way she survived a machete to the brains."

But then again, the police would've found her body. But the corpse has gone somewhere.

"No, it's not true," I said.

As I was thinking so hard about her death, I needed to talk to someone about it. I grabbed my phone out and texted Jungkook.


Taehyung: Hey man

Jungkook: Whats up

Taehyung: I need to talk to you about something

Jungkook: Okay

Taehyung: Meet me at the Red Velvet Park.

Jungkook: Okay, see you there

I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed my jacket from the hanger. I grabbed my car keys and the letter from Jennie. I then went outside of my house and headed to the park to meet up with Jungkook. I parked my car and started to walk around, trying to find him.

"Hey man," someone said behind me.

I turn around and see Jungkook.

"Oh, hey man," I replied.

"So, what do you want to talk about," he asked.

"Okay, so you know about my friend's murder."

"Kim Jennie, yeah, it just happened today," he said.

"I think there is more to it."

"What do you mean."

"So you know the police lost her corpse, right," I said.

"Yeah, I know, I wonder why," he said.

Just then, I pull out the letter that I got in the mail today.

"Earlier tonight, I got a letter from her."

"From Jennie," he responded.

"Yeah, look at it," and then I opened the letter up.

Jungkook looked at the letter but then shook his head.

"Taehyung, this letter must be pretty old, you told me yourself that you don't check the mail that often," Jungkook said.

"See, that's what I thought too, but touch the ink," I asked him.

"What, why."

"Just do it."

Jungkook then touched the ink. He pulled his finger off the paper and looked at his hand. There, we both saw a black stain.

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