Chapter 19: The Ritual Pt. 1

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"What the do you mean she's gone," I said.

"I mean she's gone, look," Samantha replied.

I go back to the living and check to where Jennie is. She isn't there anymore; the ropes that we tied her up in were shredded and lying on the ground.

"Oh god, this is bad, really bad," I said.

"What are we going to do," Samantha asked.

We began to search for her. We explored in the kitchen, the bedrooms, the bathrooms, but we couldn't find her.

"Okay, I've looked everywhere, but I can't find her," I said.

Just then, we heard something from outside the mansion. A sound of someone's hand rubbing against the window. In shine, my flashlight to where the sound was, but nothing was there.

"Okay, Samantha, we are going to go outside," I said.

I open the front door and head out of the mansion. It was dark; every footstep I took was a sound of leaves breaking. Samantha was right behind me, holding onto my shoulders.

"Have you ever explored the exterior of your house," I asked.

"No, not really, my husband rarely let me outside the house," she replied.

"Oh my bad," I responded.


"What was that," Samantha said.

I stood still as I heard cracks coming from somewhere else. I looked around to see if I could find it, there wasn't. Anyway, Samantha and I continue to walk around the outside of the mansion, trying to find Jennie. After walking for a while, we finally see the window that we hear the rubbing from.

"Where do you think she went," Samantha asked.

" I don't know, but we need to keep looking," I replied.

All of a sudden, I heard growling. I look behind me, and my heart stopped. That animal from the woods is back.

"Samantha, listen to me," I said.

"What is it," Samantha said, a little bit confused.

"Whatever you do, don't look back," I said.

"Yeah, I think you will have to do that too," Samantha replied.

"What? Why"


As Taehyung told me to not look back, I then see Jennie, who came out of the darkness behind him.


The wolf was getting closer to us. My heart was racing every step it took. Finally, it was close enough that it leaped at us.

"Samantha, watch out." "Taehyung, watch out," We both said.

I ducked with Samantha and was ready to be eaten by that wolf. But I wasn't; I peak and see Jennie fighting that wolf to the death. The two of them were rolling in the leaves like a ball pit. I get up and pull back Samantha to get her away from the fight. After a few minutes, Jennie could fend off the wolf, and the animal ran back into the forest.

"Thank you, Jennie," I said.

I shouldn't have said that because Jennie redirected her focus onto us. Samantha pushed me to the side as she was running towards us, and Jennie tackled her to the ground.

"TAEHYUNG!!!!!, HELP," she yelled.

I then grabbed Jennie and held her against my chest so that she couldn't get out. We walked back inside the mansion and began to prepare for the ritual.

"So what do I do," Samantha asked.

"G~get the sand, and the candles first," I grunted.

I see Samantha going over to the supply table and grabbing all our things and setting them out.

"Okay, what do I do next," she asked.

"Take out the sand and set it out into the two triangles," I replied.

Samantha then laid out the sand into the shape.

"Okay, what next," she asked.

"Light up the 3 demon candles and s~set them on the side," I said.

Samantha then took out our matches and lit up and demon candles. She then placed them on the 3 sides. After she did that, I set Jennie into the triangle.

"Taehyung, what are you doing," Samantha asked. "She is going to escape."

"No, she won't, that triangle is setting up a barrier. It's not going to let you out," I said.

As I said, Jennie was trying to escape, but she would get bounced back in her place when she tried.

"What do we do now," she asked.

"We read a prescription from Satan," I said.

"Where do we get that."

The candle's smoke formed foggy red ash. It went up in the air and formed out words.


I read the words out loud. After that, Jennie started to scream. But this wasn't a typical scream—a demonic scream, suffering, and trying to escape. Just then, the demon in Jennie's body escaped.

"Uhh, Taehyung, what do we do now," Samantha asked.

"We need something she misses, give me the bag," I asked.

Samantha gave me the bag and pulled out the portrait of Jennie's family. I then presented it to the demon. What what's going on.

"What the heck, why isn't it working. Why are you still here, demon," I said.

What did I do wrong?

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