Chapter 13: Three Left

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The 3 of us looked around for Jungkook, but we couldn't find him. It's like he just disappeared out of nowhere.

"Where the hell is he," I said.

"I don't know," Jin said.

Just then, Jimin walked up to Jennie and began yelling at her.

"WHERE THE HELL IS OUR FRIEND!!!!!!!" Jimin yelled.

Jennie just looked at us win an evil grin, not bothered by us.


Jimin grabbed Jennie's collar and was ready to punch her when Jin and I pulled Jimin off her.

"Jimin stop it," Jin said.

"Jungkook's probably gone, the spirit said that we will lose something," I said.

After I made that statement, Jimin went onto his knees and started to grieve.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, why can't it be this easy," Jimin said.

"Hey, no one said that saving her was going to be easy, but we can't give up," I said.

"Well, screw you guys, I'm going to find the 2 other candles myself and save your friend. Don't try and stop me," and then Jimin wandered off.

"Jimin, stop you're not thinking straight. We need to stick together; you don't want to die as well, do you," I asked.

Jimin halted in his position. He turned his head to the side and then back.

"Don't worry about me," he said in a low tone and then walked off.

Jin and I looked at each other with a worried look.

"You go and watch over Jimin, I'll stay behind stay here in the living room," I said.

Jin left, just leave me alone in the living room.


Oh, I forgot, demonic Jennie is here to keep me company. Anyways, I just sitting on the living room couch, shining my flashlight around. It was really dark in here; I wonder if I could get the fireplace started at least. I got up from my chair and went to our supplies. I brought out our box of matched and went up to the fireplace.

"Damn, the wood is burnt," I said.

I looked around, trying to find things that I could burn. As I was walking, I stumble across a portrait. I turn it around and notice that it was made on a wooden canvas. The break the canvas in half with my knee and toss it into the fireplace. I then light up one of the matches, and slowly but surely, I could start a fire.

"Wow, I didn't think it would actually work," I said, sounding shocked.

I turned off my flashlight to conserve the battery and just used the fireplace as a light source. As I was sitting down, I looked around the living to better look at the mansion.

"This place is big," I said.

Portraits, murals, paintings, furniture made out of gold.

"Wow, Solomon Fin must've been very rich," I said.

This place didn't seem bad at all, without all the ghosts, of course. As a matter of fact, I was getting comfortable on the couch that I was sitting at. But all of that changed in a matter of seconds. I saw something small move around the ground.

"What the hell," I said.

It didn't look like a rat; it was more of like a toy. Moving around the floor, trying to make its way. I got up from the couch and started to follow it around the house.

"Hey, where the hell are you going," I said, trying to catch up to it.

For some reason, this toy was fast. Hard to capture. I had to pick up the pace and jog just trying to reach it. All of a sudden, the toy was moving at the speed of an RC car. My legs were moving quicker, trying to keep up with. I was stumbling across things and didn't care about my surroundings. Until finally, the doll crawler behind a little hole in the wall and got away.

"Where did you go," I said, shining my flashlight into the hole.

When I looked inside, I was shocked. This wasn't just a hole set into the wall; there was something behind this—stairs, heading downwards into another room.

"There has to be a way to get inside, "I said.

"Oh, there you are," someone said.

I turn around and see Jin and Jimin.

"I was worried that you got lost," Jimin said.

"Hey guys, there is something behind this hole," I said.

"This one," Jin said, pointing towards the hole.

"Yeah, I just need to find a way to break into it," I said.

The 3 of us started to kick down the wall, and sure enough, we were chipping it away. Eventually, we created a pretty big hole in the wall for us to walk into. I shine my flashlight into the underground's darkness and see that this secret room led to the basement of the mansion.

"That's weird," I said.

"What is," Jimin asked.

"The website didn't mention anything about there being a basement in the house."

I looked around with my flashlight, but there was no sign of the toy.

"Okay, Jimin, you stay behind to watch Jennie, Jin, you're coming with me to the basement," I said.

"Alright," Jin said.

"Okay," Jimin responded.

"Oh, and Jimin, try not to kill Jennie," I said.

After that, Jimin left just leaving me with me and Jin.

"Are you ready to go to the basement," I asked.

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