Chapter 6: The First Owner

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Richard Mayfield's Story


SUMMER, 1920

I just got back from the market. I picked up our monthly storage box. As I opened up the mansion door, I see my son Zachary running up to me.

"Daddy, you're back home," he said, running up to me.

I set the box down and greet my son with a big hug.

"Hey buddy, how was your day," I asked.

"It was fun," he replied.

I picked up the box from the ground and brought it over to the kitchen table. I grabbed one of the cooking knives from the counter and cut open the box. As usual, I see out monthly supplies of food, milk, materials for the house, and.............a board, with letters on it. Huh, that's strange.

"Daddy, what is this," Zachary said, pulling out the mysterious board.

"I don't know, let's find out," I replied.

Zachary brought it to the dining table, and we both looked at it. It had all the letters on it, with yes and no on each side. On the bottom, it said goodbye. Right in the middle of the board, there was a design of an eye. On top of the eye, there was a word.

"Daddy, what does that word mean," Zachary asked.

He then pointed his finger to a word that sounded strange.


"I don't know, son," I replied.

I then went back to the box, and there was some sort of arrow. On the shaft, there a piece of glass, almost like a telescope. I took it out and set it on the board.

"Daddy, can I play with it," Zachary asked.

"Sure, once you're done playing, you tell me what it works," and then I left Zachary.


It became night real quick. I headed downstairs and saw that Zachary was still playing with that board.

"Zachary, what are you still doing up, this late at night," I asked him.

I picked him up from his chair and carried him to his room.

"Daddy, I've met a new friend," he said.

"Oh, what's his name," I asked him.

"His name is Jaylen."

"Well, you go get some sleep so you can play with your friend tomorrow," and then I kissed him goodnight.

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