Chapter 17: Can I Trust You

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"Samantha?" I said.

"Yes, my name is Samantha," she replied.

Who the hell is Saman~? Wait a minute?

"Are you one of the owners," I asked.

"Yes, I am one of the owners. Now, I'm wondering what happened to my house," she said.

"Samantha, do you know what year it is," I asked.

"Of course, it's 1955. Why what's wrong," she asked.

"Samantha, the year is 2020," Jimin said.


She sounded shocked and almost looked like she as going to faint.

"Samantha, you have been trapped in that doll for 65 years," I said.

"I~I didn't know," Samantha said.

Samantha then went on her knees and began to cry.

"I can't believe it," she said, crying.

I went up to her and kneeled down to her level.

"Samantha, listen to me, a lot of things have changed. This mansion has been abandoned for years," I said.

"Then why are you here," she asked.

"We found out that our friend is still alive and that we can save her."

I then showed Samantha to the demonic Jennie, who was screaming at us with her demon cries.

"She does not look good," Samantha said.

"Yeah, that's why we are trying to save her," I replied.

"So, how may I help," Samantha asked.

"Woah, slow down," Jimin said.

"What is it," I asked.

"How can we trust her? She just showed up."

Jimin then got closer to Samantha and started to observe her body.

"Jimin stop it," I said, backing him up.

"I can't trust her," Jimin said.

"Please, I just want to help you guys," Samantha begged.

"Jimin come on, she helped me get back from the labyrinth of a basement," I added.

Jimin looked to the side and scoffed.

"Okay fine, but if she does anything that could kill us, I'm blaming you," Jimin said, pointing at me.

After she offered her help, I accepted it and explained everything from the beginning.

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