Please, Bless Us

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Mr. Jeong forced his daughter to go home. He refused Gon's offer to take them. Along the way home by bus, Mr. Jeong ignored Tae Eul.

"Don't make me explode on the bus," growled Mr. Jeong when Tae Eul continues to asked him to give his blessing.

Arriving at home, Mr. Jeong told Tae Eul to stay in her bedroom. She is on grounded just like a teenager who did a mistake, in her early 30s, and will have a child in some month later.

Her phone rang, Gon sent a message:
'I'll send back Yeong and finish some royal matter, then come back and stay at the hotel.'

'No, don't be bother. You must be busy in your kingdom. I can take care this matter by myself. Just come back next week.' Tae Eul answered.

Suddenly the door opened. Mr. Jeong grabs Tae Eul's cellphone, then sends a message to Gon: 'WE'RE DONE !!! DON'T CONTACT ME FOREVER !!! "

And he confiscated the phone.


In the next day, Tae Eul made a cup of hot chocolate with mint, also toast with fried egg, her dad's favorite brunch. She approached him who was preparing to open a taekwondo course.

"If you think you can get my blessing with just a glass of chocolate and a plate of toast, you're wrong."

"Then what? Gems?"

Mr. Jeong glared at her sharply, "do you think it's funny?"

Tae Eul looked down, "it's not."

"From all men in this world, why did you find that strange man? Even pregnant with him! What kind of child will you give birth to?"

"Dad, Gon is a human, same like us. So our child is a human too."

"I definetely forbid you to marry him. If your mom still alive, she will did the same as me."

"Then how about my baby? How could you separated this innocent baby with the father?"

"You did it once. You kept your pregnancy secret from everyone, including him. Now I understand why you did that. You must be afraid of him too, right?"

"I'm not afraid of him. I kept my pregnancy secret from him because I didn't want to interfere with his life. He was a king there, I didn't want to bother him and add a burden on his mind. But now he knows, he wants to be responsible and has taken care of everything so that I can live there as his queen. Now we only need your blessing. I could have lied to you about Gon's background, saying he is a foreigner, then we will live abroad after marriage. Or I could just tell you all this after we got married. Even I can elope if I want, but I don't want to do all of that."


"Because I love you. I can't disappointing you anymore," Tae Eul hold her father's hands, "Dad, I'm sorry. I'm very sorry. I'm not a nice daughter. I'm always disappointing you. I love you, Dad, but I love him too. I want to live with him for the rest of my life, until our hairs turned white."

"Tae Eul, you are the most precious daughter for me, the one and only. As a parent, I can't carelessly leave you in the hands of a strange man."

"Gon, he is not strange, Dad. Indeed, the world he lives in is different from the world we live in, but it's actually the same. That's why I wanted to take you there yesterday, so that Dad can see for yourself, that place is not a strange place, let alone terrible."

"Then you will be the queen there?"


"Do you know how to be a queen? Can you live as a queen? Then what about the people there, can they accept you, who are from another world, as their queen? About your background, it will definitely be a big question and spotlight for the people."

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