Little Prince

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The royal wedding ceremony is held privately in the church, attended only by the royal family and important people. Same with the late king and queen, they do not have a big party, but instead donate the cost of the party to the education sector, so that children who are less fortunate can go to school for free.

After the ceremony, the royal spokesperson held a press conference to announce the King's marriage, as well as welcome the lineage of the king who will be born some months later. The spokesperson did not accept questions regarding personal matters, and expected the people to pray for the happiness of the king and queen.

 The spokesperson did not accept questions regarding personal matters, and expected the people to pray for the happiness of the king and queen

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"Where do we go for the honeymoon?" Gon asked while showing the manpasikjeok.

But Tae Eul took the flute and put it in the safe.

"This time I want a real traveling. How about going to Paris, Prague, or Hawaii?"

"It's up to you, my queen. My private jet is always ready to take you everywhere."

"By the way, this is not called honeymoon now, but babymoon," Tae Eul caressed her belly. Gon's hands also joined.

"I'm starting to wonder, is our baby boy or girl?" Gon muttered.

"Can we see the gender on ultrasound?"

Gon shrugged.

"Should your heir be a boy?"

"No. Se Jin is a woman and I appointed her as my heir. Unlike in the past that royal leaders must be male, nowadays it is freer, as long as they are worthy as leaders. But the leader of the Korean Kingdom must be surnamed Lee and have blood relations with the previous kings. If Se Jin doesn't die and becomes queen and then has children, they will follow their mother's surname."

"Then do you want a boy or a girl?"


Tae Eul laughed, "hey, our baby isn't twins."

"If Little Rice is a boy, the younger sibling must be a girl. And vice versa."

"Gosh, one child hasn't been born yet, have you thought about the next one?"

"I want to have many children. Being an only child is very lonely."

"Then you just get pregnant and give birth!"


The ultrasound device dancing on Tae Eul's belly. The screen showed 4D picture of their 18 weeks fetus.

"Can we know the gender now?" Asked Gon.

"It probably a boy. Look, this is his genital," said doctor.

"Wow, from little rice to little prince!" Exclaimed Tae Eul.

After the doctor wiped the gel from Tae Eul's belly surface, Gon helped her to sit, "Do you want to change the fetus name?"

"We can change his nickname later when he's born. But as long as he's still in my womb, I want to call him Little Rice."

Because it was past the first trimester, the doctor allowed them to go on vacation by plane. But Gon wants doctor to come along to prevent unwanted things during the holidays.

Initially Tae Eul wanted a babymoon in Paris, but changed her mind. She wanted to go to a quiet place away from the bustle of the metropolis. Then their vacation destination will head to one of the kingdom's private islands. Tae Eul is not too surprised to find out that Gon owns a private island. The conglomerates in her universe are also used to owning private islands. For a Lee Gon, what does it mean to own an island, even the whole country of Korea belongs to him.


Assisted by Madam Noh, Tae Eul packs up. As is well known, Madam Noh also came from the Republic of Korea who was invited by Lee Gon's grandfather to live in the Kingdom of Korea during the Korean war. Madam Noh once told Tae Eul about her past, but the memory of it has disappeared from the old woman mind after Gon changes destiny. So she tells Tae Eul the same thing again.

In the past, Madam Noh knew that Tae Eul was not from this universe from the nametag that Gon kept since he was a child, this time because she knew where Gon always went every weekend with Manpasikjeok, then suddenly brought home an unknown identity woman. Using the teacup that Tae Eul touched, Madam Noh told Seung Ah to secretly investigate the king's lover, not even Yeong should know. Then she found out the identity of Detective Koo Seo Kyung.

But suddenly the news spread that the king's lover is a woman from America and the twin sister of Koo Seo Kyung. However, this is the only extent that can be known by the public. Madam Noh tries her best to protect the privacy of the royal family, while Seung Ah is tasked with silencing the media who want to dig deeper into the identity of the future queen.

"Sorry, my presence has troubled a lot of people."

Madam Noh shook her head, "It is our duty. Not only you, we also have to protect the privacy of the lives of all the royal families."

"All this shouldn't happen in such a hurry and shock as this," Tae Eul touched her belly, "it's because he came out of plan."

"Hwanghu-mama, are you blaming the unborn baby for all that happened?"

Tae Eul gasped, "Ah, that's not it ..." But finally she took a deep breath. She covered her distended belly with a sofa pillow, as if the baby would be able to hear what his mother was going to say, "To be honest, I was too shocked and couldn't accept his presence. I was about to run away and didn't tell Pyeha that he was going to be a father, for fear that this child will become a burden to him. I continue to feel guilty for messing up people's lives, and have to be willing to leave my world, from my family, my job, my friends."

"Would you not feel guilty for your baby, if he knew that his presence would only be a burden to the parents?"

Tae Eul's head bent deeply, "I'm a bad mother ..."

Madam Noh held Tae Eul's hand, "not all mothers can be good and perfect mothers. A mother is also human, can make mistakes. Thankfully you can realize your mistake faster so you can correct it. So now you can focus more on accepting and love your son."

"Thank you, Madam Noh."

Madam Noh locked the travel bag, then pushed it against the wall.

"There is one thing I have to say, so that your heart can be calmer," said Madam Noh before leaving Tae Eul's room. "Actually, the presence of the future prince was already planned. I planned it."

"What?" Tae Eul frowned, didn't understand.

"The tea that I served the night you stayed here, is actually fertility herbs. The herbal medicine is very powerful, even hormonal contraceptives of any kind become malfunctioning because of it. The percentage reaches 90%, the rest depends on the condition of the eggs, uterus and also male sperm, or if the woman is using non-hormonal contraceptives."

Tae Eul gaped, speechless.

"But after all I try and plan, it all depends on God's will. Especially for those of you who come from a different universe, He entrusts that seed that is growing in your womb. Unlike me, my doppleganger has died when I invited to live here, but yours is still alive, and you live together in the same universe. That's a mystery. However, He must be has a beautiful plan."


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