(Yeong♡SeungAh)You're My Number Zero

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Jo Yeong x Myeong Seung Ah

Seung Ah POV

"... I can't make you as my main priority because of my job. Are you able to live with a man like me?"

I remembered the moment when Yeong proposed to me, and I said: yes, I can.

But apparently my words were out of sync with the reality I was experiencing. I understand his job as the royal guard commander as well as the King's personal bodyguard. He must always be on the side of the King and always ready to take any orders, anytime, anywhere. Not only him, I as the head of the royal household is also obliged to prioritize the royal family over our own. But I do not deny, I want to be put first by him occasionally. I want him to be there for me whenever I need him.

He often canceled appointments because he had to escort Pyeha. He just missed my birthday without gifts, without even a word because he was too busy with his work -- he just remembered a week later. He must always be ready anytime and anywhere. He can leave me alone at home if Pyeha calls him the middle of the night. We even canceled our first honeymoon because Pyeha needed him. Fortunately, when I gave birth to our first son, Bo Geom, he was able to accompany me. If not, maybe I'll give up.

And today, we plan to enjoy Yeong's annual leave by vacationing in Jeju Island, alone without our son to celebrate our 4th year anniversary. We have never celebrated anything special so far, just dinner, even then sometimes getting interrupted from work. So when Pyeha approved his leave, I was excited to plan all this. Ordering plane tickets, choosing hotels with the best honeymoon facilities, arranging travel schedules, and so on, like a tour guide. I even took off the contraception that I had been using. I want to give him another child so that he will pay more attention to me.

But he left me alone at the hotel, only because Hwanghu-mama who is pregnant with her second child craves Jeju oranges which she wants to eat today. He immediately ordered a return ticket the fastest, even though the oranges can be sent by courier. I refuse to follow him. I have gone to great lengths to plan all this, the costs that have been incurred are also not cheap. He promised to come back soon to continue our vacation, but I didn't care. I'm going on my own vacation.

I went to a seafood restaurant for lunch. I do get angry, but I'm not the type to go on hunger strike just because I'm angry. It's a foolish act that will only hurt yourself. I prefer to vent my anger by having fun alone, of course, using Yeong's credit card. 😈

After replenishing my energy with food, I use that energy to shop as much as I want. Still using my husband's credit card. I want to run out of his wealth, if I don't remember I will also go bankrupt if he goes bankrupt.

Towards sunset, I went to the beach. I took off the coat that covered the sexy bikini I was wearing, then sat on the beach chair enjoying the breeze and the roar of the waves. I'm sure all eyes must be staring at the beauty of my slender body even though I have given birth to a child. If Yeong finds out, he will be very angry because I showed off a body that should only be seen by him. But I don't care, I'm also angry with him.

 But I don't care, I'm also angry with him

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