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And what I had my mind set on since that day, slowly and surely became reality

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And what I had my mind set on since that day, slowly and surely became reality. With Kye constantly having my back I dared to speak up more and more in the shifter-community and they, surprise surprise, actually started listening to me, taking me more seriously after I did some serious research.

But as for Kye, it still seemed like he lacked the civil understanding of the word 'stop' as soon as we stepped inside any bedroom. Not that I ever used that word ever again, as soon as that first week of feeling uncomfortably full when he entered me passed, and damn I did good keeping up with him. 

At first, I was quite anxious around the wolves still, always on my toes and on edge, but never did I experience the panic attacks anymore. Later on, I ran along like I was one of them.

I finished high-school, got into college nearby town so I could still live in the pack house and see mom every week- who did, finally, come out of her depression and started smiling again- and now I'm studying law. 

I would've never thought my life would end up like this- but at the same time it's exactly how I want and always have wanted it to be. I couldn't imagine it otherwise now. It's like I found half of myself that I'd never known and embraced it.

This all sounds cheesy, I know, but I started loving living again. Kye, and all the other shifters, have made it worth it. 

So, I guess this is what one could call; a happy ending.

Hey there!

It's finished! This is it! Soooo I'm probably (definitely) coming back into this unforgivable mess to edit, especially the start because sweet lord that needs some serious changes :(((

I really hope you enjoyed my story. I did enjoy writing it, though it was really hard to finish this book and, as you can probably see above, I just ended the whole thing with a flimsy epilogue. But yeah I hope you can forgive me.

If anyone was interested; I started doing Chloe Ting challenges and wow it's really doing me good! I feel way healthier in my body and shit and I really recommend it !!!! (i'm sorry this is a bit random)

So that's the end of my rant. Special thanks to sweet readers @peoniesoverroses and @The-life-of-Mwah , and everyone who voted, commented and lasted with me until this chapter, it means the world to me that I can entertain some people with typing out my weird fantasies.

(wow I'm really wondering if some people will even read this I mean I took my sweet time haha)

Anyways that's it guys, thanks for everything and bye for good! ;(

Avice York

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