Chapter Four: Meeting

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I walk in the house and immediately Rose gives me a hug.

"I'm so excited," She says and I smile. I lay down my bag and take of my jacket, placing it on the hook."Everyone will be here soon, until then we got some human food in the kitchen,"Rose gives me a tour of the house, you can tell that it's old. The living room is beautiful the furniture is all wooden but it isn't rickety. The cushion are ruby red and it compliments the wood perfectly. She's shows me the kitchen which looks somewhat newer, they probably renovated it. "Do you want anything?" Rose asks motioning to the food. I look at the food on the table. There's a cheese plater so I pick up some cheddar cheese and salami and put it on a plate. Rose, Adam, and I go into the living room to wait.

"You're mom said that you used to dress bold, why change it when you came here?" Adam asks

"The city is big, it's easy to blend in," "Here I didn't want to bring attention to myself,"

"Well I like it," Rose says "It makes sense,"

"What do you mean?" I ask

"At school today, you didn't let Patrick boss you around," She explains

"Oh, it was all Instinct really,"

I eat the food I picked up for myself. The meeting starts at 7 so by 6:45 everyone is here. The West family includes Jessica her husband Zach their adopted son Logan and their adopted daughter Sarah. The Williams family is comprised of Hayley her wife Hannah and their two daughters Brooklyn and Natalie.
Then their are the wolf packs there are two. The first one is the Parkers which includes Ryan and his sister Grace, Ashley her brother Nick and Jen. Ryan,Grace, Jen and Nick are betas Ashley is an omega they don't have an Alpha. The other wolf pack is the Woods. There's Jack who's the Alpha, Jorden and her brother Sam are Betas and Katelyn and her sister Bree are omegas.

"Damn Megan, what happened to you?" Ryan asks

"What do you mean?" I ask already knowing that it's the outfit.

"Your outfit it's, different,"

"I'm not blending in anymore, just ask my parents this is how I normally dress," I tell him.

"I like it, it's badass," He says and I smile

They all sit down and all eyes go to me. I can tell they're trying to figure me out.

"So Adam who's the chick," Jack asks and I laugh.

"My names Megan and don't call me a chick," I say firmly

"You have fire, I like it,"

"Anyway," Adam interrupts "This is Megan Ross, her parents own the new clinic across the street from school," He explains

"Your parents are doctors?" Jessica asks

"Yeah, they mostly have treated humans though,"

"Is that why you were the one doing my check up yesterday?" Grace asks, I nod

"So wait you have medical training, in what?" Zach asks
"I'm a trained junior EMT, the junior part is about my age since I'm under 18 and I took supernatural medicine in EMT school," I explain

"So what your saying is that you can fix us when we get injured?" He asks

"Yeah, the supernatural aren't that different from humans, the only difference is how the body reacts to medicine, for example in vampires the medicine would be evaporated by the healing factor so you need to add something to slow the healing factor down , like rosemary," I explain, he looks confused.

"I didn't understand anything you just said so I'm just going to go with it," He says, I chuckle

"So I was thinking since Megan is going to be around us a lot we should take this meeting to explain the supernatural world," Adam says and everyone agrees.

"So any questions?" Rose asks

"How do vampires walk in the sun?" I ask

"Sun immortality spell," Sarah tells me.

"So magic is real?" I ask they nod

"Yes, we're friends with the town witch, we have to wear an amber stone that been enchanted by a witch somewhere on our body," Adam says

"Who's the witch?" I ask

"Her name is Mya, she can be a bit creepy sometimes so don't be alarmed," Ashley says and I laugh.

They then go on to tell me about what vampires can do. They have Super Strength, Super Speed, Super Stamina, Super Agility, Super Durability and Super Senses. They are obviously immortal and can't die. They also can hypnotize humans by either looking them in the eyes, using their voice and if the person really trusts the vampire they can just do it with a wave of a hand. They also tell me that when they feed off someone their saliva numbs the wound so it doesn't hurt. It also is a mild sedative that helps the person relax.

"Okay now that we've covered vampires, now let's do werewolves,"

They explain what Alphas, Betas and Omegas are again and then they go on to what they can do. They have mostly the same powers as vampires except for Super Durability, Hypnosis and Immortality. They are able to see in the night and shape shift into a wolf but only on the full moon. They are also immune to a vampires hypnosis.

"I know it's a lot of information but any other questions?" Jen asks
"No, it makes sense it's just a lot," I then think of a question.
"This might be weird, but can vampires have kids?" I ask

"No we can't our bodies are essentially frozen in time," Hayley explains

"Makes sense,"

"Can you tell us the story of what happened at school?" Grace asks and I laugh. I tell them the story with some help from Ryan to make it more interesting. "What happened after?" Grace asks

"I went on with my day and let's just say that no one else messed with me,"

"So who else knows about us besides you?" Hannah asks me

"My parents, my mom is completely on board but my dad he's hesitant,"

"You should have heard when Graham told him, he freaked," Ryan says, everyone laughs

"I think he's just worried that someone is going to kill me," "So if you ever see him for the sake of your life act as human as possible," I tell them

"You don't think he'd actually kill us, do you?" Rose says worriedly

"That's the thing, I don't know."

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