Chapter Thirteen:Aftermath (Adam's POV)

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Watching Megan die in my arms was probably one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. The fear in her eyes, her body laying in its own blood. I'm thankful for the self control I've built over the years. There was so much blood. I carry her limp body into the house and lay her down on the kitchen island. That's when all of it hits me. Megan was killed and she's coming back as a vampire. I dial Rose's number into my phone and wait for her to pick up.
"Adam what happened?" She asks as soon as she picks up the phone.

"Troy attacked her, she killed him but her wounds were fatal," I explain trying not to cry.

"Please tell me you gave her blood,"

"I did, I need you to get everyone here including her parents she needs to be cleaned up and I promised her that her mom would be here when she wakes up," I tell her.

"It's a full moon how do we get in contact with the wolves?" She asks

"Get Mya to do the calling spell and get her to come with you we're going to need her," I reply


"Rose, Troy was an Alpha he bit her five times and then she died with my blood in her system that has to mean something,"

"Yeah I get it, I'll have them all here in 15 minutes," She says and then hangs up.

I look at Megan, her pyjamas are torn and stained with dark red blood. Her eyes are closed and I can't hear her heartbeat. She looks peaceful. Her throat is covered in so much blood that it still amazes me that she was able to speak. I start to clean away the dried blood being careful not to irritate the wounds. Its going to take awhile for these bites to heal. It's also going to scar because she got the bites when she was human. After I finished cleaning away most of the blood I sit up by her head and take her hand.  True to her word everyone arrived within 15 minutes. Megan's parents however were nowhere to be seen.

"Where are her parents?" I ask Jessica

"They're in the car with Rose and Mya, they're explaining to them what happened and that Megan is going to come back," She replies.

"They're going to be angry," I say and she nods.

"If this was Sarah, I would be too," She says.

"Is it true that she killed Troy?" I hear Nick Ashley's brother ask me through his wolf telepathy.

"Yes," I reply "From what I could see she broke his neck,"

He nods his fur covered head and then we wait for Rose, Mya and Megan's parents.

When Kate comes into the room I can see the pain and anger in her eyes.

"What did that monster do to my little girl?" She asks me I show her the five bites. One to her abdomen, one to her leg, one to each of her shoulders and then the fatal bite to her throat. Jason then sees the wounds and I can tell that he's even more angry then his wife is.

"Where is he?" He asks and I'm assuming he's talking about Troy.

"You're daughter killed him sir," I tell him and I can see the satisfaction in his face.

"Was she alone when she...?" Kate asks unable to say the word but I know what she asking.

"No, she managed to call me and when she said help I knew something was wrong so I dropped everything and ran,"

"Thank you," She says gratefully I nod and then Rose buts in.

"We should probably get her cleaned up, Jessica and I can help," She tells Kate gently. She nods and the rest of the vampires and I go into the living room. The wolves go to the bedrooms because they're going to shift back soon and more often then not they don't have clothes on.
Mya tells us to gather around. She is the town witch. She's in her sixties but thanks to a immortality spell she doesn't look a day over 21.

"Based on what Rose told me and the research I did, I know what she's going to be,"

"What is it?" I ask as she opens a book.

"It's rare so rare that she's the first one in the entire world, she a hybrid,"

"A hybrid?" I ask

"Yes, it's created when a human is bitten by a Alpha werewolf and dies with vampire blood in their system," She explains.

"Can other hybrids be created?" Hayley asks

"Yes once the first hybrid is created they can create more hybrids by biting a vampire as a wolf or giving a wolf vampire blood and then killing them,"

"Wait if she killed Troy and is half wolf doesn't that mean she's the Alpha?" Zach asks, Mya's eyes widen along with everyone else's.

"If that's the case not much changes it will just mean that her bite won't just turn vampires into hybrids but also humans into wolves," Mya says calmly

"What are her abilities?" I ask

"She has all the abilities of a vampire and a werewolf, nothing can kill her, she won't burn in the sun, and she can turn into a wolf whenever she wants not just on a full moon," she tells me "I also read that her hypnosis works on vampires as well as humans but that won't be confirmed until she wakes up,"

"She's going to be powerful," Zach says and I nod in agreement.

"We're going to need to teach her how to fight and manage the cravings," I say

"Her wolf should help her manage her cravings she'll have amazing control," Mya reassures me.

After Rose, Kate and Jessica clean up Megan. We explain to them along with Jason as he was worrying about Megan to the point where he couldn't really pay attention.

"So what you're saying is that Megan is now a immortal half vampire half werewolf?" Kate asks, I nod

"We also believe that she is now the Alpha of the Parker pack," Zach adds

"How?" Jason asks

"She killed the Alpha after he bit her therefore she was already turning into a wolf and when a wolf kills the Alpha they become the Alpha,"
Zach explains

"Well at least the crazy vampires can't kill her," He replies

"What are we doing about that?" Kate asks

"Well the most logical thing is to make them believe she's still human and then ambush them when or if they attack," Rose says
"She could be our secret weapon," Zach adds

When the wolves shift back and we tell them what happened. The Parkers feel horrible but Kate tells them to forgive themselves. We tell them that they might have an Alpha again and they're happy. Grace is really excited. Rose makes Megan comfortable on the couch. She looks beautiful, she's in a black  dress that ends just above her knees. Her blonde hair is curled. Her skin is as white as snow. Her bites have healed but you can see the scars. All I have to do now is wait for the love of my life to wake up.

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