Chapter Nine: Alone

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Ashley shows me around the house. For a cottage it's quite spacious. Theirs four bedrooms plus a guest room and each room has their own bathroom. She shows me where everything is and tells me that anything in this house I'm able to use.

"Where's Grace and Jen?" I ask Ryan as we're all sitting in the living room.

"They're out exploring the woods Grace likes to plan before the full moon," Ryan says

"She turns into a wolf?" I ask

"Yeah when Troy was here he scared her so much that she had her first shift about a year and a half ago," Ryan explains

"Poor kid,"

"Shifting hurts, I wish I could protect her from the pain," he says and then after composing himself He then tells Ashley and I that he's going to go shower.

"So you and Adam?" Ashley asks now that we're alone.

"Yeah?" I ask

"Spill," She says and I laugh

"Before all this went down he asked me on a date,"

"And?" She motions for me to continue

"I agreed but I've never been on a date,"

"You have guts, first time ever being on a date and with a vampire," She says and I smile

"If I can handle being attacked by a crazy vampire I can handle going on a date with a nice one right?"



Jen and Grace come home within the hour. "Megan!" Grace says excitedly when she sees me.

"Hey kiddo," I say to her as she comes over and gives me a hug.

"You're staying with us?" She asks and I nod "Yay!" She replies and then runs off to the kitchen with Jen.

"She likes you," Ashley says

"She's a sweet girl." I tell her

"She is," Ashley agrees. Grace and Jen come back from the kitchen as Ryan comes out from his bedroom. Grace runs over to Ryan and gives him a hug.

"Hey pup how was the woods with Jen?" He asks as he picks her up.

"Good we found a new trail," She says excitedly.

"That's cool," he says, Grace and Jen talk about the new trail that they found. They like to go on trails because there are more animals and they can stay hidden from humans.

"I'm going to head to bed," I say

"Goodnight Megan," Ryan says and I wish them all goodnight.

I head to the guest room, get changed and then lay down in the large comfy bed. I take in the few from my window. This is my home now, in the woods with a pack of wolves. I might never see my family again or my friends, but if that's what it takes to protect them then that's what I'll do. I close my eyes, take a deep breath and let sleep take me. The next morning I wake to the smell of food cooking. I get myself out of bed and quickly get dressed in grey sweatpants and a burgundy sweater. I throw my hair up in a messy bun and head to the kitchen.

"Good morning," Jen greets

"Morning," I reply and grab myself a place of eggs and fruit.

"Graham sent your work over," Jen says handing me a large envelope.

"Thanks." I finish breakfast and decide to get to my work for the week. I sit on the couch and start to pour through what's in the envelope. Inside there's my work but also a journal accompanied with a note.

Dear Megan,
I decided to give you this journal after Adam informed me of the situation, write down everything the happy moments the sad moments and even the terrifying ones. It will keep you sane and maybe we could put in the archives one day.
Sincerely, Steve Graham

A journal, I guess it couldn't hurt to write everything down. The journal is wrapped in leather and it has my initials embroidered on the front. The journal is also closed with a clasp. I look around the house for a pen and then sit back down to start writing.

March 24th
I haven't done this before but I'm going to try. Today is the first day of hiding from the White's and the Morgan's. I'm staying with friends in the woods. I might not see my family again if Adam and Rose Stone along with the West's and the William's don't succeed but I can't think like that.
Megan Ross

I close the journal and then turn my attention to my school work. I blow through some chemistry and read the notes that explain how to do the math work.

"Megan," Ryan says as he comes in. "How's it going?" He asks

"Alright, Steve gave me a journal to document everything,"

"That's cool," He replies

"Did they say anything?" I ask

"No, but everything is going to be okay," He assures

"I know," I say with a smile.

He tells me that him and Jen are going out and Ashley and Grace will be outside if I need anything. With that he gets up and leaves.
I've never felt so alone in my entire life. I mean I'm not alone is the physical sense but in the emotional sense I am. I don't have my family, I don't have my friends. My life was turned upside down when I moved to the city. Again when I found out about the supernatural and not again with people wanting to kill me. I could really use some normalcy right now. Just then my phone rings and when I look at the caller I.D it's Adam.


"Hey sweetheart,"

"Hey, I miss you and everyone,"

"We miss you too love but it's going to be okay,"

"Everyone is saying that,"

"Because it's true, I have some news that will make you feel better,"


"I called Ryan and he said that he's taking the pack out tonight so we could have our first date,"


"Yes, and you don't have to worry about anything I have it all handled,"


"Okay, stay brave and I will see you tonight,"

"Okay bye,"

"Bye love,"

With that I hang up the phone. I'm excited for the sense of normalcy but nervous for my very first date.

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