Chapter Twenty-Seven: I'm Free

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"How is she?" I hear someone ask as I'm floating towards consciousness.

"She looks better, her heartbeat is stronger," I hear another voice say. I feel something cold on my chest and I involuntarily flinch."It's just my stethoscope sweetheart," I recognize the voice as my mom's.

"Are you waking up Meg?" I hear a voice I recognize as Adam's ask.I open up my eyes slowly and let out a sleepy groan."There you are sleepyhead," He says gently. I feel better, I'm not as tired.
"Feeling any better?" Mom asks.

"Yeah," I reply

"You've gone through 5 bags of blood and three bags of fluids," She tells me

"I was thirsty," I say and she chuckles.

"Can I go to the bonfire tonight?" I ask

"Sure just be careful, I think she would benefit from some fresh blood,"

"You're learning," I say proudly

"I've been reading," She says with a smile.

"Where can she get blood, she's to tired to go out right now?" Adam tells us

"From me," We hear a voice from the doorway, It's Lauren.

"No, I don't want to hurt you," I tell her

"Megan, I'm your best friend let me help you, you're not going to hurt me,"

"Do you know what you're offering?" I ask her.

"Yes, your going to bite me, drink my blood and then you'll feel better," She tells me. I turn to the rest of the them.

"Can we have some privacy?" I ask them and they nod.

"I'll be right outside that door," Adam tells the both of us.

"I trust her Adam, we'll be fine," Lauren responds.He nods and then they all leave the room. I sit up and notice that both my IV's are out."Kate took them out when you started looking better," She explains.

"How do you want to do this?" I ask her. She sits down next to me on the bed and hands me her wrist.

"It's not going to hurt, right?" She asks her heartbeat speeding up. I smile sympathetically.

"You'll feel two little pin pricks and then my saliva will then make your wrist go numb,"

"It's a sedative too right?" She asks and I nod. "Okay, I'm ready,"

"I can hypnotize you, help you relax a little," I say when I notice her racing heartbeat.

"It feels weird, I don't like it," She says and I nod.

"Okay, take a deep breath for me," She takes a deep breath and I bite down on her wrist. I feel her wince at the initial pain but then she relaxes. I take a few gulps of blood and then let go. "Are you okay?" I ask her

"I'm okay, I just feel funny," She says slurring her words a little. I bite into my wrist and place it into her hand.

"Drink, it'll make you feel better," She looks at me like I have three heads.
"It's not as gross as you think," I reassure her. She takes a drink and I see the colour come back into her face.

"Now let's go get ready for that bonfire," Lauren tells me and helps me stand up. I'm feeling better now and I'm able to get ready by myself. I throw my wet hair into a messy bun and change into some leggings and a t shirt. I brush my teeth and then head out to the living room.

"You look better," Adam says coming over to me.

"I feel better, where is everyone?" I ask noticing that it is just us here.

"They're waiting at the fire pit,"

"Well then lets go," I say excitedly.He chuckles and we speed out the door. We stop when we get to the fire pit in the middle of the woods.

"The woman of the hour," Zach calls when he sees me. I can't help but laugh.

"There's some empty seats over here," Rose says motioning to the seats next to her. We both sit down and I start to admire the fire.

"So what's the plan for the lovebirds?" Zach asks

"Well I need to graduate and after that I want to go to medical school,"

"Do you know what you want to specialize in?" Mom asks

" Paediatrics and the supernatural,"

"What's paediatrics?" Rose asks'

"Working with kids," I explain

"Megan I have a question for you," Dad says and I nod.

"How would you feel about your mother and I becoming vampires?" He asks, I'm shocked they want to become vampires.

"You would do that?" I ask

"You're immortal sweetheart and the idea of dying and not seeing you again didn't sit well with us," My mother explains

"Did you know about this?" I ask Adam

"We talked about it while you were asleep, they would be part of the Stone coven like you," He replies

"If you guys want to then go for it," I tell them.

"We were thinking we would do it after you turned 18 so then after we "die" you would be considered an adult so the government won't come after you,"

"What do we do about that?" I ask Adam

"You'll be written as dead in 90 years or so, I know a guy," Suddenly Lauren starts laughing.

"What?" I ask her

"Remember when the weirdest thing that would happen in our lives is the stuff my creepy neighbour would do," She says and I laugh.

"The good old days," I say with a laugh

"Which neighbour is this?" Mom asks

"That Carl guy," Lauren tells her

"Oh god, don't even get me started, he kept checking me out no matter how many times I told him I was married," She says rolling her eyes.

"What the city been like since I left?" I ask

"Boring, I literally know nobody," She says

"You could always stay with us, your mom does want you out of the house," I tell her
"Really?" She turns to my parents

"Sure, they need a human at the school so no one gets suspicious," Mom agrees

"I guess I can't get rid of you now," I say jokingly.

"There's one thing you're forgetting Meg," Adam tells me


"You're free no one wants you dead anymore," He's right, I'm free now and stronger then I could ever imagine.

The Hybrid Series: The Hybrid Of North RiverWhere stories live. Discover now