Chapter Seven: The Threat

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I wake to the warm sun shining through the window. I don't feel as tired as I did yesterday to be honest I feel refreshed. I look around and realize that Adam is still here.
"Good Morning," He says when he realizes that I'm awake.

"Morning," I reply

"How are you feeling?" He asks eying my neck.

"Refreshed, is that normal?" I ask, he smiles.

"That's normal,"

"You've been here all night?"

"Yeah, I told you I would stay, plus vampires don't need sleep,"

"Thank you," He smiles and then he disconnects my IV but doesn't take it out.

"Your mom said last night she would take it out when she came back this morning," I nod and he helps me out of bed. He shows to the bathroom and I freshen up as much as I can. "Rose has some clothes for you," Adam says handing me an outfit. I close the door and examine the outfit. A burgundy blouse, black jeans and black boots . I get dressed being mindful of the IV still in my arm. I come out and Adams waiting for me. "Are you dizzy?" Adam asks as we're walking downstairs.

"No, I feel fine," I reassure him. I'm met by Rose when I reach the bottom of the stairs. She engulfs me into a tight hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay," She whispers gratefully in my ear. She shows me to the kitchen and places a meal of pancakes, eggs and bacon in front of me.

"You didn't need to do this," I say taking in the meal.

"Of course we did, you need to eat," Rose says. Adam sits down next to me as I'm starting to eat.

"You were so brave out there last night," He tells me and I laugh.

"No I wasn't, I was terrified that I was going to die," I explain

"But you didn't and even though you were afraid of what he was going to do to you, you still called for help and he couldn't hypnotize you so that makes you even more brave, most people can't handle it without hypnosis," He says sounding proud. I finish eating and then I go sit on the couch in the living room, waiting for my mom. "Rose is trying to figure out if it was a random attack or planned, so I need to know what happened before the woods," Adam says and I take a deep breath.

"I was walking out of the café and I had this feeling that someone was watching me so I started walking faster," "Someone then grabbed me from behind and that's when I started screaming and kicking to fight them off," "Then they told me that they weren't going to hurt me and dragged me into the woods," "I told him that he didn't need to feed off me because he didn't look hungry and he said he needed to," I explain, Adam nods.

"Did you hear all of that Rose?" Adam says, oh right super hearing. She says something back but I couldn't hear it. She then comes into the room with a sad look on her face.

"I have a theory," She says and I nod for her to continue. "The vampire who attacked you was in alliance with what we call "The bad vampires" I think that this was a planned attack and they were retaliating against you,"

"Me, why?" I ask surprised.

"You snapped Patrick White's neck, his father is the leader of the bad vampires," Adam explains, He attacked me first if anyone should be mad, it's me.

"But he attacked me first," I say

"That doesn't matter to them, you're considered a threat because you don't let them do whatever they want," Rose says
"So basically their acting like children," I say and the laugh agreeing with me.

"What do they want?" I ask, to be honest this scares me but that's what they want to I can't show fear.

"Judging by this attack, they want you dead," Rose tells me bluntly. I makes sense but it also doesn't. The vampire who attacked me didn't know about my necklace if he did he wouldn't have tried to hypnotize me.

"He tried to hypnotize me, it didn't work because of my necklace that's why he said he had to drain me but he never got the chance,"

"He probably just said that when he realizes he couldn't hypnotize you, he had to make it seem like an ordinary vampire feeding, not a planned attack," Adam explains, So the bad vampires want me dead because I snapped that vampires neck after he attacked me. We're interrupted by a knock on the door, Rose goes to answer it.

"Good morning Kate," I hear Rose say

"Morning Rose," She replies and then comes into the living room with us.

"Hey mom," I say and she gives me a hug.

"Hey Meg, how are you feeling?" She asks

"Good, but this IV is annoying," I tell her and she chuckles.

"Okay roll up your sleeve," She says and I proceed to carefully roll up my sleeve. "So I found this envelope on the doorstep this morning, it has your name on it Megan," Mom says as she looks at the IV to check for anything unusual. I take a look at it and it has my name and our address. I feel a slight sting as mom removes the IV tube from my arm. "Barely any blood," She comments as she throws away the garbage.
"What's in the envelope?" Rose asks . I open the envelope and pull out a sheet of paper. There's a note on it clearly written with a pen and quill. I glance over it and then start to read it out loud.

Dear Megan Ross,
We've sent this to warn you that you are now considered an enemy of our two covens. You attacked one of our vampires and you survived the attack we sent on you.
You are a threat, you are an enemy
Sincerely The White's and The Morgans

I finish reading the note and I feel my heartbeat speed up. They want to kill me, I don't want to die.

"Megan look at me," I hear Adam say, I look up to meet his green eyes.

"I'm not going to let you die," He says gently and I nod but I'm still scared.

"What am I going to do?" I ask myself

The Hybrid Series: The Hybrid Of North RiverWhere stories live. Discover now