Chapter Fifteen: This is Just The Beginning

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When we stop running we're in front of bar. I've never noticed it before probably because I'm technically under age.
"What is this place?" I ask

"All the supernatural hang out here, most of the employees are human except for one bartender and Hayley's and Hannah's daughter's own it,"I nod and he opens the door for us to go inside. When we get in I'm immediately overwhelmed with the smell of blood. I grab Adam's hand tightly."It's alright," he whispers just loud enough for me to hear. "Just take deep breathes and focus on something else," He says calmly.I decide to focus on the dull thump of Adam's heartbeat. I focus on it and the smell of the blood starts to dull.

"Hello Adam would you like the usual?" the bartender asks.

"Yes Jess, what would you like?" He asks me.

"I'm only sixteen," I whisper low enough for only him to hear.

"You're immortal now love, age doesn't matter the alcohol won't affect you," He explains. I guess it's true, the alcohol won't affect me now. I look at the menu for a good minute before deciding.

"I'll have a blueberry gimlet," I say nicely.

"Okay, and don't worry I know what you are," She says quietly and that's when I realize that she's a vampire.

"She's from out of town Megan that's why you don't recognize her," Adam explains when he sees my confusion. I nod in understanding.

"So how long?" She asks as she's making my drink.

"About 30 minutes," I say

"So I'm guessing you're looking for your first drink huh?" She asks laying down my drink.


"Well I recommend the guy in the back, table number 8 he's a regular," "He's young, easy to hypnotize and his blood is delicious," She says with a smirk. I turn slightly to see who she's talking about. The guy looks like he's in his early twenties.

"Where should I do it?" I ask Adam as I take a slip of my drink.

"We'll do it on the side of the building in the alley that's where I do it when I come here,"I nod and we finish our drinks. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. The alcohol didn't affect me so it was just like having a normal drink. I thank Jess before I follow Adam to a booth"You ready?" Adam asks

"I'm nervous what if I can't do it right," I tell him honestly.

"How about I'll hypnotize him to come with us to the alley and then you can get him to relax because he is going to be scared," He offers
"Okay,"We get up and head to the back where the man is sitting. He looks confused when we come over so Adam takes that as his chance.
"You're going to follow us without question do you understand," He directs his voice smooth but firm. He nods his head obviously in trance. He follows Adam and I as we leave the bar. We walk to the side of the building and down an alley away from people so they don't see.
Adam orders the man to stand by the wall facing me.

"Love just follow your instincts, you'll feel your hypnosis kick in just focus on it," He explains.I look at the man and I can see the fear in his eyes. It reminds me when I was in this position helpless and afraid. I focus on my hypnosis and I feel a slight tingling sensation in the back of my head.

"I want you to stay very still and relax okay don't be afraid," I say looking straight into his eyes, my voice smooth. I see the fear melt from his eyes. He freezes in place and his breathing is back to normal.I hear the blood pumping through his veins and I can't help but focus on his neck. I go with my instincts as I feel what I think are my fangs come through my gums. I bite down on the artery and I feel the warm blood fill my mouth. The blood is sweet with a metallic tang.

"Focus on the heartbeat, when it starts to slow stop drinking," Adam tells me. I focus on the heartbeat. I get a good amount of blood before his heartbeat starts to slow. I want more but I don't want to kill him so I force myself to pull back."Good job sweetheart," Adam praises as he wipes the extra blood from my lip. When I look over I see that the man is definitely feeling the sedative in my saliva."Bite into your wrist, give him your blood to heal the wound," He tells me. I bite into my wrist and to my surprise is doesn't hurt. He looks worried when I start to put my wrist near his mouth.

"It'll help," I tell him and I feel him drink my blood.

"Now erase his memory," Adam says


"Using your hypnosis tell him that all he's going to remember is coming into the bar and he's going to go home a clean himself up," He says
I turn to him and look him in the eyes.

"All you remember is coming into the bar everything after that is blank, you're going to go home clean yourself up and take a nap," I say firmly . He blinks and then leaves the alley in trance.

"Amazing job love," Adam says wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Thanks," I reply looking up at him.

"Do you want to go home?" He asks and I nod.

"Do you want to learn how to run?" He asks

"Yeah!" I say excitedly and he chuckles

"Okay it's just like normal running the only thing that is different is that you have to put a little more power behind your step," He explains.
I nod and then he counts to three. On three I start running. It feels amazing the wind on my face. It feels like I'm floating. When we stop running we're in front of the pack house.

"That was so cool!" I say practically jumping up and down.

"This is just the beginning love," Adam says with a smile.

The Hybrid Series: The Hybrid Of North RiverWhere stories live. Discover now