Chapter Nineteen: Emergency

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Adam had to show me the way to the Wood's pack house. Its on the other side of town even deeper in the woods then the Parker's pack house. When we arrive I'm immediately hit with the smell of werewolf blood.

"Mom talk to me!" I yell as I walk inside and see Jack's body on the table.

"We tried to stop the bleeding, but they didn't have much," She says

I take a quick look over the wounds, he has multiple bite wounds on his abdomen, multiple cuts on his arms and sides, both his legs are broken and going in different directions.

"Okay both of you put gloves on," I direct my parents. I turn to the vampires behind me."Hayley and Hannah go get the truck ready he's going to need to go to the clinic," "Adam, Zach, Jessica I'm going to need help here," I say handing them gloves.They nod and I go into what my parents affectionately call my emergency mode.Jack is clearly in pain, I need to get him stable enough to move. I put on my gloves and walk up by his head. "Jack it's Megan can you squeeze my hand?" I ask, gently taking his right handHe gives my hand a weak squeeze.
"Okay, we're going to get the pain to stop soon, I promise," I say he manages to open his eyes and look at me. That's when I see the fear in his eyes. He gives my hand another squeeze, this time it's stronger I can tell that it's from the fear and the pain."I'm going to get Zach to come up here and talk to you okay?" I tell him soothingly,Zach takes that as his cue to switch places with me. I take a deep breath and try to process my thoughts. "Let's get some IV's in, one in each arm be careful of the cuts," I say to my parents as I pull out two IV kits. I hand my dad one and I take the other. They are 18 gauge needles to Jack is definitely going to feel them. I look at my mom and we don't even have to say anything to each other, she knows what I'm asking her.

"Jack, this is going to hurt a little bit okay, try and take a deep breath for me," She tells him gently putting a hand on his cheek. Dad and I swiftly put in the IV's.

"Adam there should be two bags of fluids in my med bag, can you set them up please, you and Jessica can hold them up,"

"Okay, how exactly do I do that?" He asks, right he doesn't have any idea what I'm talking about. I explain to him how to set it up and then tell him to hand me the tubing.

"How much morphine do we give him?" Dad asks

"Double the dose that you would give to a human around his size, his healing factor will burn through it," I tell him, he nods and draws up the medication after getting it from my bag.

"This should help with the pain okay," He tells him and then injects the medicine into the right IV.My mom and I connect the tubing to both the IV's and hand the bags off to Adam and Jessica. Mom then starts to clean the bite wounds. His body starts to relax slightly as the medicine kicks in. It's going to painful to move him.

"Mom we should sedate him, it's going to be extremely painful otherwise and we still need to set the leg fractures," I say to her.

"Okay, you draw up the meds I'll get an intubation kit," She replies. I draw up the amount of medication that I need. I connect the syringe to his left IV. He tenses up and I can see the fear in his face. I lay down the syringe and walk up next to Zach.

"Jack, I know you're scared but I promise you everything is going to be okay, my parents and I will take care of you," I say gently stroking his cheek with my gloved hand.

"Don't want to die," He whispers, I would have missed it if I didn't have vampire hearing.

"Nobody's dying today," I reassure him. I look over at Zach and he nods, I walk back and pick up the syringe in my hand."Okay Jack I'm going to give you something that will make you sleep, when you wake up you'll be good as new okay?" I say stroking the back of his left hand.

"You're going to be fine," Zach tells him quietly "Just sleep," He says as I start pushing the medication into his IV. As soon as his eyes close mom gets him intubated and starts breathing for him by squeezing the bag at the end of the tube.

"Zach I'm going to need your help resetting the bones, it's going to need vampire strength," I say We each grab a leg and I tell Zach how to put it back in the right place. After about 10 minutes we have both legs in the right place. They've already started healing."Okay let's get moving,"

It takes all the vampires to get him into the back of the truck. Everyone else except Adam, my parents and I use their vampire speed to get to the clinic. I'm in the back seat with Adam breathing for Jack.

"His wolf healing is kicking in," Adam says while holding the IV bags.

"Thank god," I say taking a deep breath.

"You did good back there,"


"How'd you know what to say to him?" He asks me

"It just came out, I didn't really have to think,"

"You are amazing," He replies and I smile.

"What does this mean now?" I ask

"It means we need to talk about declaring war," He replies

"Lovely," I say sarcastically. We get to the clinic and get Jack out of the car.

"Is he healing?" Zach asks

"Thankfully," I reply. We get him set up in the room in the clinic that we only use for emergencies. North River is a small town, the closest hospital is four hours away. This is why we essentially have a mini emergency room in the clinic."We should keep him asleep until he's done healing," I say as mom hooks him up the ventilator to help him breathe. I place the monitors on him and the sound of the machine beeping fills the room."What happened?" I ask now that we have Jack stable.

"Some vampire was sent to kill your dad and I to "get us out of the way", Jack protected us,"

"What does this mean?" My dad asks as he's taking in the concerned looks on our faces.

"It's means we are going to declare war," I reply

The Hybrid Series: The Hybrid Of North RiverWhere stories live. Discover now