Chapter Sixteen: History

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"The love birds are back!" Rose calls when we come through the door. She then turns to me.

"How was it?" She asks excitedly,

"Great," I say with a smile.We go into the living room. Hayley and Hannah went home with their daughters after we left. So It's Just Zach, Jessica, Rose, Adam, Mya, my parents me and the wolves."Can you tell me what me what my abilities are please?" I ask and she smiles

"You have all the abilities of a vampire and a werewolf, nothing can kill you not even a stake or a silver bullet," "You can't burn in the sun and you can turn into a wolf whenever you want not just on a full moon,"

"You might also be able to hypnotize vampires," Adam adds
"Really?" I ask

"We need you to confirm that theory," Mya says

"Any volunteers?" I ask

"I'll try," Rose offers. She looks hesitant and I don't blame her. I walk over to her and gently lay my hand on her shoulder.

"I'm not going to do anything crazy I promise," I reassure herEveryone else moves behind me and I look her in the eyes. I can hear her heartbeat speed up. She's good at hiding her nerves if I couldn't hear her heartbeat I would believe it."Relax Rose I'm not going to hurt you," I say calmly feeling my hypnosis activate. I feel her heartbeat slow down as her eyes glaze over.

"It worked," Adam whisperer

"It feels weird," Rose says quietly

"What does it feel like?" Adam asks her

"One minute my heart was beating a mile a minute the next a wave went over me and willed me to calm down,"

"What do we do now?" I ask

"You need to learn how to fight," Zach tells me. I nod, I don't know how good I'll be but I have to try. Zach tells Adam that he can teach me and that if he needs any help he'll be around.

"Let's go outside," Adam says. I follow him out the door and we walk down one of the trails to an open field.

"It's beautiful here," I say

"It is, I don't come here very often though,"

"So what's the first step of fighting?" I ask

He shows me different punches and kicks and explains to me how my vampire strength works. Over time I will learn to control it.

"Now one-way vampires deal with their enemies is ripping out hearts and crushing them," He explains

"You didn't tell me you could rip out hearts," I say

"We didn't want to scare you, it normally scares humans for good reason," He explains

"Don't tell Dad," I say with a laugh

"Yeah, he'll probably kill me and they won't find my body," He says jokingly

I laugh, "So how do I do it?" I ask

"Use your vampire strength to go through the chest, remember you won't kill the person just by ripping out the heart you have to crush it,"

"You would think as soon as it leaves the body the person would be dead," I add

"Mya says it has something to do with magic," He replies.We spar for a while, Adam does not hold back and while I don't consider myself a good fighter I can at least defend myself. We then decide to just lay down in the meadow next to each other."How are you feeling love?" He asks as he wraps an arm around me.

"Okay, it's just a lot to take in," I reply

"It is, but you're doing really well,"

"I still have to shift," I say worriedly

"I know, but it'll be okay Ryan or Jack will walk you through it," He assures me.

"Can you be there?" I ask

"Yes, I can be there,"


"How was training?" Jack asks as we walk in the door.

"Good," I reply

"She's a natural," Adam adds

"We should take her to the archives Adam," Rose says excitedly, I remember Steve talking about that in his letter.

"Steve talked about that in his letter, what exactly is it?" I ask

"It's where the town keeps its history it's in the large building near the town square," Rose explains.

"We should go now, then maybe later tonight you can practice shifting," Adam says

"Okay," Rose Adam and I then decided to vamp speed to the archives so I could get some practice.

"This is the archives," Rose says pointing to the building. It's a brick building and it looks very old. We walk up the stone steps and go inside. It looks like a museum, there's a directory that shows the different parts of the archives. There are three rooms. The History of North River, The Myths of North River and The Vampire War.

"I think it's time you learned about the first vampire war," Adam says as he leads me to that room.

The room is a long hallway with a lot of pictures and writing on the walls. I start to make my way through the text. We start at the beginning. 100 years ago humans that lived in North River became more aware of the fact that vampires existed. The humans were afraid and they were convinced that the vampires were out to hurt them. The White's and The Morgan's who eventually became the opposition alliance decided that they weren't going to respect the humans and they killed thousands of innocent humans. This caused the humans to start to hunt vampires and they were out to kill them. The Stones, The Williams and The West's who eventually became the Northern Alliance ended up going up against the White's and The Morgan's and the fight lasted two months causing even more humans to die. In the end the Morgan's and The White's ended up surrendering and the fight ended.

"What were the fights like?" I ask

"They had a lot of allies, we killed a lot of vampires and they killed a lot of innocent human lives," Adam says

"How did you convince the humans that you weren't going to hurt them?" I ask

"It was 100 years ago, so we were able to show them how we feed and that it wouldn't hurt and we wouldn't kill them,"

"But now people think that all of you were a myth,"

"That is mostly due to things like books and movies they helped us go back into the shadows by making us fictional myths," He explains

"Now I'm starting another war," I say sadly.

"It's not your fault, it's there and who knows maybe we could finally end this feud,". Rose replies

"How about we head home, you need to prepare for your shift," Adam says, with that we all speed off.

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