Chapter Eight: Be Brave

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"They want to kill me!" I yell hysterically. Rose is consoling my mother and she's going to call everyone for a meeting.

"It's going to be okay," Adam says gently.

"I don't want to die," I tell him as I feel tears brimming in my eyes. I feel him take me in his arms. I don't have very many fears  but dying is one of them.

"Shhh, you're not going to die Meg
we'll protect you," He rubs soothing circles on my back and whispers soft words in my ear.

"I'm sorry," I whisper knowing that he'll hear me.

"For what sweetheart?" He asks confused.

"Being afraid, I'm never afraid, only afraid of dying," I explain

"It's okay to be afraid love, it makes you human," He says a smile tugging at lips.
I'm able to calm down as Rose and my mom come back into the room.

"Okay, I called the meeting they're all coming," Rose says

"I still don't see why they want to kill her," My mom says, trying to stay calm for my sake.

"They see Megan as a threat because she doesn't let them walk all over her," Rose says and I smile.

"Well we need a plan and we need it now," Adam says.


Everyone comes to the house in record time and they all look worried.

"Thanks for coming everyone," Adam says sincerely.

"Who's the new woman, she's hot?" Jack asks.
"That's my mother your talking about," I warn and he gives me a smirk.

"For the record I'm married," She tells him.

"Ignore him, I do," Jordan tells my mother.

"Rose sounded worried on the phone, what's going on?" Jen asks

"The crazy vampires want me dead," I say bluntly and just like that everyone is paying attention. Adam reads everyone the note and looks of anger and worry on their faces.

"We need a plan," Rose tells them They start discussing how to keep me safe and deal with the vampires.

"You could stay with us," Ryan says "Our house is deep in the woods and we can smell vampires from miles away," He explains.

"What about my parents?" I ask

"They could stay with our pack," Jordan says and Jack agrees.

"How are we going to explain this to dad?" I ask mom.

"He's going to have to suck it up," Mom says and I laugh.

So we decided that I would stay with the Parker wolf pack in the woods. Adam would call Mr. Steve and have all my work send over off of the record. If anyone asks where I am I'm gone back to the city because my parents are needed at the city hospital.

"So with Meg and her family with the wolves the rest of us can handle the vampires,"

"We don't want to start a fight, that didn't end well last time," Zach says

Last time, what do they mean last time?
"Last time?" I ask

"100 years ago humans wanted to push vampires and werewolves out of North River," Adam tells me "We decided that we wanted to make peace with humans and assure them that we wouldn't hurt them," "The White's and The Morgan's however decided to fight and there were a lot of human casualties,"

"Is that why you're enemies?" I ask

"Yeah, they didn't agree with our morals and we didn't agree with theirs,"

Adam goes back to the house with mom and I so we could pack and explain what's happening to my dad.

"Wait What!" Dad exclaims, this was a bad idea.

"Bad vampires want to hurt our daughter so both of us are going to live in the woods with one wolf pack while Megan goes to another," My mom explains

"Our daughter is not living with wolves!" My dad yells. That's it I've had enough of this nonsense.

"DAD!" I yell getting his attention "Look these vampires want to kill me and the wolves will keep me safe while Adam's friends deal with them," "I don't want you both to get hurt so you're going to listen to mom or I'll drag you out of here myself!" I tell him.

"Young.." he starts

"DAD I COULD DIE!" I yell interrupting him trying to get him to listen. It's not working he keeps saying that he's in charge and that he doesn't want me living with dogs.

"Help me out here?" I ask Adam, he nods

"Jason," Adam says in a calm voice getting his attention. "Look at me," He says gently and I know what he's going to do. I move my mom behind me so she isn't affected by the eye contact.

"Everything is going to be okay," He says his voice once again becoming smooth and hypnotic. "Just relax, and when you're ready just close your eyes and sleep," Like magic my dad drops, Adam's catches him and lays him on the couch.

"What are you a magician," Mom says jokingly, we both laugh.

"He'll wake up when he's ready, he won't remember this," Adam tells mom and she nods. With that mom and I pack our bags and head out to the truck. Adam brings dad out to the truck and offers to drive.

"I promise that when this over I'll take you on the most amazing date," Adam says and I take his hand.

"Well what about we have a date at the pack house, I'm sure Ryan won't mind," I say and he smiles.

"I'll ask,"

"Mom can you call Lauren and tell her that something's come up and not to come for spring break?"

"Sure sweetie, I'll tell her that we're going on vacation to Florida," She replies

We have to the park the truck outside the woods and I say goodbye to mom. Adam and I walk deep into the woods. We're met with a large wooden cottage.

"Hey Megan, Hey Adam," Ryan calls as we walk out.

"Hey Ryan," I say

He shows inside and Ashley offers to take my bags to the guest room. Adam puts his hand on my shoulder and I turn around.

"Everything is going to be fine," He reassures me.

"I know,"

"I'm just worried," He says

"Don't be I'll be fine,"

"I don't want to leave,"

"You have to, to protect me," I say softly
He gives me a kiss on my forehead.

"Be brave," He whispers and then says goodbye to everyone.

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