Chapter Twenty-Three: Prove It

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The fight is in an hour, I'm in my room in Adam's house getting ready and trying to mentally prepare myself. I'm wearing a black t-shirt with a pair of black leggings with a burgundy leather jacket. I'm going to put my hair into two French braids. I've prepared physically, I know how to fight, I know how to get into my opponent's head and I know how to kill. I don't really know how I feel about killing but it makes me feel better that they aren't human. I suddenly feel arms wrap around my waist. I tense up and immediately go to punch but whoever it stops me.

"Easy love, it's just me," I hear Adam say and I relax.

"Do we need to leave yet?" I ask turning around.

"No, but in about twenty minutes we do," He tells me

"Okay, I'll be out in a few," I reply He leaves and I use vampire speed to quickly braid my hair tightly. I put on my combat boots and head out to the living room.

"I'm ready," I say as I meet Adam and Rose in the living room.

"We're meeting at the edge of the East Woods," Rose says and I nod
"Well then let's go," I say and with that, we speed out the door.


Zach does a quick headcount to make sure everyone is here.

"Today we put this feud to an end," Zach says firmly

"It's like we always say Family is Everything," Rose says.As I'm looking around at all the people here I'm amazed their all here because I'm the enemy.

"May I?" I ask Zach and he gives me the floor.I walk up and look at them.
"I want to thank all of you, this all started 100 years ago and you put to rest but I woke it up again so thank you for being here,"

"Megan you're family now, there's no need to thank us," Jen says

"Let me make this clear, no one is dying today," I say firmly and they nod.

"We meet in 10, Adam you're going to vamp speed Megan into the woods because as a human she can't vamp speed,"

"Here put these in?" Jen says handing a small white case.

"What is it?" I ask

"Blue contacts, they'll cover the fact that your eyes are now purple," She explains
I open them and put them in my eyes. They're uncomfortable at first but I get used to them. Everyone starts talking and I pull Adam aside. I've been thinking about this for a while. Even though I can't die there's a possibility Adam will. I want to do this in case I don't get the chance.

"Are you okay?" He asks

"I wanted to do this in case I never get the chance," I say taking his face in my hands.
If my heart could beat it would be hammering. I lean in and gently put my lips against his. At first, he's taken by surprise but then he relaxes into the kiss. When I pull back we look each other in the eyes.

"What was that for?" He asks smiling

"In case you die," I say back

"I called it, Zach you owe me twenty bucks," Jack interrupts. Adam and I both turn towards them.
"You gambled on us?" I ask, They nod and I laugh.

"Come on, we have some vampires to fight," Adam says and then he gently puts his hands on my shoulders and speeds away.We stop at the open part of the woods and I can sense that they are here. I can hear their abnormally slow heartbeats.

"We know you're here!" Zach yells and suddenly they speed out of hiding. Their are a lot of them but we have the numbers. I immediately recognize the leader. He dominates over everyone else.

"Hello Zach," He says in a dark tone

"Did you make your choice," He replies without acknowledging him.He laughs darkly, it makes me want to throw up.

"We will fight," He says, he then locks eyes with me.

"She is the enemy, she needs to die," He tells us, this confirms that he's definitely crazy. A woman who looks about 14 or 15 suddenly comes out from behind the trees. Suddenly my wolf telepathy kicks in and I start hearing Ryan's voice in my head.

"She's a witch, dammit," He says

"What?" I ask "I thought Mya was the only witch in town,"

"Well obviously they found one for themselves," Ryan concludes

"She's so young," I say in disbelief

"I know," He replies

"I don't want to fight any of you," He says "I want to fight her,"Suddenly the witch snaps her fingers and everyone falls to the ground paralyzed but me. I don't know what to do, so I freeze. Seeing my friends, my family frozen on the ground helpless makes everything I know leave my head.

"You can do this Meg," I hear Ryan say in my head.This breaks me out of frozen thoughts and I turn back to the vampires in front of me.

"Well what can you do now?" The leader taunts me "Because obviously you can't fight all of us," He continues 

"Are you sure about that?" I ask in the same taunting tone.

"Oh I'm sure," He replies "Because last time I checked you're a pathetic little human and we're big bad vampires," He says and I can't help but laugh. 

"Prove him wrong hybrid chick," Jack tells me in my head. I laugh at both their antics.

"What are you laughing at!" One of them yells. I smile mischievously and I can tell they are confused.

"There's something you don't know about me?" I yell back

"We know everything about you!" Another one screams obviously annoyed with me."You are pathetic and we can kill you before you can even think about it," "You need you friends to fight your battles for you," He adds

"I don't need them to fight my battles, I can do that myself," I reply

"Prove it!" The leader challenges

"My pleasure," I say with a snarl. With that, I speed towards them.

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