Chapter Fourteen: The Hybrid

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My body feels like led. I'm in cased in darkness. Is this what death is? In darkness while trapped in your own thoughts. Suddenly I start to hear voices and light starts to peak through the darkness. I feel my body get lighter as the voices get louder and the light gets brighter.

"Megan it's Adam can you hear me?" He asks, I try and open my eyes but they are locked shut. I feel him take my hand. "Megan squeeze my hand," He says and I do. I must have squeezed hard because I feel him wince. "She can hear us but I don't think she can open her eyes," I hear him say.

"Let me try something," I hear an unknown voice tell him. I feel the person take my hand gently. "Megan my name is Mya, I'm going to do a small spell that should help wake your body up the rest of the way, squeeze my hand if you understand,"I squeeze her hand and then she starts saying words that I don't understand. Suddenly a rush of cold runs through and my eyes snap open and I take a deep breath.

"Welcome back to the land of the living," Adam says with a smile. I never thought I'd be this happy to see him. His brown hair, his green eyes, his pale skin. I look around and everything is sharper. I hear everyone's undead heartbeats and Mya's mortal one. When I see my parents I can smell their blood but I don't want it. This isn't normal for a human.

"What am I?" I ask confused, They all turn to Mya and she takes a deep breath.

"You my dear are the first and only vampire and werewolf hybrid in the world," She tells me. I'm shocked a vampire and a werewolf.

"If I'm a vampire why don't I want my parents blood their human right?"

"Don't worry your parents are still human, you don't crave their blood because they are directly related to you and it would be like drinking your blood and your blood wouldn't attract your thirst," She explains

"How do you feel?" Adam asks

"Alive, everything is sharper and I hear every sound," "This is amazing," I say laughing. He smiles and he asks everyone if we can have a moment alone. Once everyone leaves the room he sits down next to me. He takes my hand gently.

"Do you remember what happened?" He asks. The memories start coming back, the wolf, the bites, the pain and finally killing the wolf and dying in Adam's arms.

"I died, and killed a wolf," I say quietly

"Yeah, you were really brave," He tells me

"I guess dying wasn't so bad," I say and he smiles.

"Told you there was nothing to be afraid of," That's when I remember the last thing he told me.

"You also told me that you loved me," I say and if he could blush he probably would have.

"I'm sorry I didn't know what I was thinking," He says stuttering.

"Adam it's okay, I love you too," I tell him with a smile.

"Really?" He asks

"Yes," He rests his hand on my cheek and is longingly staring at me.

"You're beautiful," He whispers

"Love birds come on out already!" We hear Zach yell and we both laugh. He helps me up off the couch and we walk out hand and hand.

"Woah hybrid chicks are hot," Zach says and I roll my eyes.

"Watch it," My dad warns him

"Megan sweetie your eyes, hold on let's find a mirror," She tells me, She then asks Jen where the closest mirror is.

"Meg," Ryan speaks up, I turn to him and I can see the guilt in his eyes.

"Ryan I'm okay," I say gently

"I should have been there to protect you," He says quietly.

"If you were there he would of killed you too and unlike me you wouldn't be able to come back," I say and he nods.

"Megan did you feel anything when you killed Troy?" Rose asks me. I then remember the wave of strength that came over me.

"Yes why?" I ask, Ryan and Nick look at each other.

"Megan you killed our Alpha after he bit you, do you know what that means?" Nick asks me, I think back to supernatural history class. I killed the Alpha after he bit me so I must have been already turning into a wolf when I killed him.

"Am I the Alpha?" I ask, He nods and I smile. "I guess you can't get rid of me now huh," I say jokingly. He laughs as mom comes back with a mirror.

"Here you go," She says handing it to me.

When I look at myself I'm in awe. My eyes are a deep violet with dashes of yellow within them. My skin is white as snow my freckles scattered around my cheeks. My lips are the slightest tint of red. My blonde hair is now more of a golden blonde, It's also longer.

"Wow," Is my only reaction as I hand Jen back the mirror. I look to see my dad with a look of concern on his face. "Dad what's wrong?" I ask coming closer to him.

"It's just you look so different," He says looking down at his feet.

"Dad," I say gently tapping his chin to get him to look at me. "I'm still me I promise, I'm still your little girl," I reassure him
He smiles and as I'm walking back to Adam I become aware of this ache in the back of my throat. "Adam, my throat hurts," I complain

"That means you're hungry love, come on let's get you a meal,"

"But won't I burn in the sun?" I ask

"That's one of your powers as the hybrid you don't burn in the sun," He tells me

"Cool," I say and then I think of what got me in this situation in the first place.

"Is it safe, last time I checked there was a group of angry vampires coming after me?" I ask

"Yes love it's safe and if they try and kill you they can't remember," He says taking my hand.

"Wait," my dad says he comes over to us and gives me a kiss on my cheek. He turns to Adam. "I know you two are together, if you hurt her, I hurt you understand?" He tells him firmly.

"Yes sir," Adam replies

"Good, enjoy whatever vampires do and have her back by midnight," He says laughing.

"Okay bye," I say quickly walking to the door and putting on my boots. We go outside and stop at the edge of the woods.

"Let's go my little hybrid," He says wrapping an arm around my waist. The next thing I know we're vamp speeding somewhere.

The Hybrid Series: The Hybrid Of North RiverWhere stories live. Discover now