21. A Bit Over-Friendly

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🎶I'll stand by you...🎶

Chapter 21: A Bit Over-Friendly


The morning started with a bang. Literally.

"OWW. OMIGOD. OMIGOD THAT F*CKING HURT." An extremely familiar feminine voice cried out from the bunk next to me. None of the other lads had stirred yet, but I was wide awake as soon as I heard her voice.

"Oh gosh...are you alright, Cali?" I asked anxiously, throwing the blankets off me and running to the her bunk, where she sat clutching her ankle.she pouted at me, making me want to kiss her so badly.

"No..." She whined softly. Giving a little chuckle, I leaned down and kissed her ankle softly.

"Better?" I asked.

"No." She said again, pouting still.

"How about now?" I asked, moving up and kissing her cheek.

"Nope." She smiled. She pointed to her lips, which were puckered up for me, begging to be kissed. The temptation was overwhelming. I looked around...the boys looked like they were dead asleep. But they could wake up at any moment. I couldn't risk them seeing us. I let out a sigh and leaned closer, whispering to her.

"We can't, Cali. We might get caught." I mumbled. She raised a finger to her cheek, before trailing it down her face as I it was a tear. I chuckled-she's so cute.

"Pwwwease? I'm injured. Help out a poor injured girl?" She begged softly, her big green eyes wide and pleading. She was going to be the death of me. Letting out a sigh, I gave in to the temptation. I leant forward and softly pressed my lips to hers in an addictive kiss. Suddenly I heard a sharp cough behind us, making us tear apart and whip our heads around.

"Ahem. THAT was a tad bit over-friendly. Care to explain?" Liam asked, arms crossed and eyebrows raised.

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