20. Thoughts

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🎶Lately, I been going crazy🎶

Chapter 20: Thoughts


I was snuggled up in the soft Green folds of my duvet(comforter). Zayn had just left for his bunk, his forehead crinkled in deep thought. Zayn was In deep thought a lot lately. My mind wandered to the memories we had created tonight, gazing up into the Stars as the tour bus drove towards the next destination. The wind twirling across our face, as if doing pirouettes through the cold night air.

There was one fact of the night that truly scared me, though. When he had cuddled me into his arms, just holding me for a moment...I think I realized something huge. The fact that I was slowly but surely falling in love with him. And if there was one thing I knew for sure, it was that I probably wouldn't be able to fall out of love.

There was only a few problems with that. i had never fallen in love-it scared me stiff. not to mention thy eventually, it was inevitable that Zayn and i would get caught. I had only dated him for a week.

And Im already starting to love him? I should be completely honest. So I will. This is probably the most scary thing that ever happened to me. My mind just couldn't sort out what I should do.

So I decided to sleep on it. To see what my mind sorted out while I was off in dreamland. And with that, I drifted into a silent sleep.

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