General Hc's for Azul Ashengrotto

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Reader: Gender neutral

Warnings: Yandere content, slight mention of NSFW

Other Info:

• Can we all agree that Azul is super clingy? Because he is. You are his emotional support, with all his problems and emotional he drops onto you it tends to get overwhelming. But don't worry Azul will try to keep you sane. "I'm glad to have you in my life angel fish and I won't let go of you anytime soon."

• Azul treats you coldly when in public, his reasoning is that he must keep his reputation intact. Unless he feels jealous then he puts an arm around your waist. When you two are alone, Azul keeps you on his lap, kissing you till he can't no longer breathe. Don't think about going anywhere because that will make him more clingy than what he already is. "No! you are not leaving me for I still have time to spend with you my sweet angel fish."

• The times when Azul can't be with you one of the Leech twins will take turns watching over you. They have become your unwanted bodyguards because being with either one of them means no one wants to even talk to you. At least be happy that Floyd doesn't "hug" you as much now or that Jade keeps Azul in check for the most part. Azul wants you to be safe or that's what he told you, but in all honesty Azul just doesn't want you to talk to anyone else and vise versa (good thing that you don't believe him in the first place).

• A plus is that you get as much free food and drinks as you want from the Mostro Lounge. "Eat as much a your heart desires my angel fish." Azul had offer you a job there as a server, but later ended up firing you because his clients where getting to "flirty" with you when in reality they were just trying to order their drink in a polite manner. Now your free time is spent in the Mostro Lounge next to Azul or the Leech twins, no wondering around or you don't get free lunch.

• There are times when you can get Azul to eat healthy meals by just tell him that you'll make out if he finishes his food and that usually does the trick. That be likely one of the moment you might enjoy as he desperately trying to finish his food as quickly as possible with incredible obvious flush face, you can almost see the bulge that is beginning to form under his pants.

• For the most part Azul is not much trouble that's until jealousy and paranoia starts to cloud his mind. What if you leave him because you think he's still that chubby, crybaby octopus? No! No! No! Azul would rather take away your freedom before that even betide.

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