Secrets pt3 [Azul Ashengrotto V.S. Idia Shroud]

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Reader: Female

Warnings: Yandere content, mention of infidelity

Other Info: Part three, heavy dialogue, probably bad spelling, Inconsistent pov  

      The maiden had arrived from the grocery store to the motel. The motel room was not as shaby as she had first thought, the room was a decent size with the basic commodities. Unlike other motels this one had 5 star reviews. After contemplating her room once more she placed the paper bags full of food on top of the counter. She didn't notice the light blue and red roses that were placed neatly on the bed. Against her better judgment the girl decided to take a nap on the sofa instead of eating to gain energy or even looking at the bed. Before dozing off, the girl's body trembles in terror and preys that her friends were successful in leading the young male in a false trail.

A light knock from the door woke up the girl. Her hair covered her eyes but she could tell the alarm clock read 2:23 A.M.. The maiden moved her messy locks from her face to make sure her eyes weren't fooling her. For how long was she sleeping? When she first came the sun was still shining into the motel room now everything was pitch black with the sound of heavy rain outside. Now that she was fully awake her mind realized what that meant; someone found her.

'Why couldn't God give her a break? Maybe it was Jack who came to check up on her, but he told her he was coming at 8. Idia? No, he's probably still in the hospital, not even magic can heal him that fast. Perhaps Epel? But he's clueless to the situation. Could it be Grim? Probably, but no he's just as clueless as Epel. Then who?'

She got up from the sofa and went to take a peek at the window. A figure of a young man was behind the door. He seems tall and thin. The color hair seemed familiar then it hit her, she only saw one person with silver hair then she noticed how his pale skin reflected the moon's light. She went to open the door and saw Azul tainted by the water, this reminded her of the day she last saw him with his face and upper body being kissed by the water, wilded silver hair tamed by the droplets and the wind, his features holding gentleness and delicateness under the storm.

"What are you doing here?" Asked (Y/n). Even if he was looking down she could tell his face held no emotion.

"To bring you back home," Azul responded, not lifting up his head. His tone had changed from apathetic to delicate and lovely.

"What?" She inquired, but his response was a mumble.

"What?! How did you know where I was?"

"You are predictable... and honest allies like Grim come in handy."She felt like someone had slapped her straight in the face. Her eyes began to widen. The only thing she could think of was Grim betrayal. Azul took this opportunity to enter the room, his face never once looking up.

"Why did you leave me?" His delicate voice was anxious.

"Because" (Y/n) answered.

"Because it is not an answer." Azul looked up for the first, his sky blue eyes were no longer holding gentleness but agony, "I want the truth."

(Y/n) shifted her eyes to the ground, "..."

"Answer me, goddammit!"

"You can't handle the truth... but if you really want it here you go, I left because Jack told me so. At first I wasn't going too, but after he told me what you did to Idia I had to go." She looks up to him with anger in her eyes. The maiden seemed on the verge of tears in Azul's eyes. His eyes widened at her next statement.

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