Idia Shroud [I, K, N, Q, Z,]

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Reader: Gender neutral

Format: Headcanons???

Warnings: Yandere content, slight Nsfw

Other Info: Probably bad grammar

Imagination: How often do they daydream about you? To what extent?

Idia often daydreams when he is playing video especially dating sims. He dreams about giving you kisses and sharing his favorite games with you, each scenario he comes up with makes Idia jittery. There's times when his daydreams become super NSFW, but that's something for another time.

Kindness: Are they kind to the people you care for? Do they stop at a certain point?

Let be real, Idia doesn't even go out so he don't need to be nice to anyone.

Nervous: Did they ever became nervous around you? Do they overcome it?

Idia will forever be nervous when around you. Some tell-tale signs that Idia is nervous are that he starts fidgeting and the stuttering won't stop until 3 hours later. Idia doesn't wish to scare you away with his intense love because your his true love. No matter how much time passes Idia would remain nervous around you even when you start "loving" him back. I suppose the only time Idia isn't nervous is when you start playing video games with him or when he watches you through the cameras that he secretly installed in your room.

Quiet: Would they stay silent about their obsession?

Again this boy barely goes outside, let alone talk to another human being so no one know about his deep obsession except for Ortho, but he doesn't count.

Zany: What is the most odd thing that you have seen them do?

The most odd thing that you have seen Idia do is doing Nsfw sketches of you, well I guess that is more in the creep category than odd, but who care. Oh, once you found his stash of manga that features you and Idia and after seeing that let just say you had to bleach your eyes.

A/n: Finish, many more to go. Hope you enjoy!

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