General Hc's Kalim Al-Asim

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Reader: Gender neutral

Warnings: Yandere content

Other Info: Probably bad spelling 

• Well Kalim likes to drag you around 24/7. The moment he see you say goodbye to anyone you were with because you ain't going to see them into next week. Kalim will take you by the arm and let you go into you can't no longer move your legs. Be sure to wear good tennis shoes.

• Kalim loves PDA and it shows. He is always hugging you or kissing you all over the face. "Come here my sun and give me kisses." Get a bit overbearing all the time. Kalim does this to throw off any suitors and because he just enjoys kissing you. Sometimes you confuse Kalim for a sloth form how much he hangs from you.

• Gifts... You have a lot of them from jewelry to rare objects, you name it. Most are unwanted, but kept them to not feel bad okay There are times were you sell them to have a bit of extra mondels, try to not feel guilty.

• Kalim is high-key delusional. He will always make up any excuse to any of your rebellious behavior. Kalim truly believes that you love him back, is that you need a little push In the right direction.

• Don't count on Jamil's help either. His main priority is Kalim's happiness not yours, at least know that he does pity you to a certain extent. Kalim makes Jamil "observer" you a.k.a stalk you when he is feeling particularly shy or has other things to do.

• Kalim might hesitate a little before kidnapping you because let's face it this guy is a sunshine. Well that's until he makes Jamil do some questionable actions towards you since you aren't reciprocating his feelings, but don't worry about the golden chain he's holding it for precaution only. Before that even happens play your cards right without Jamil realizing what your doing or that chain will forever be on your ankle.

A/n: Finish! Hope you enjoy and remember that requests are still open.

~With love Writer

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