Riddle Rosehearts [I, K, N, Q, Z]

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Format: Headcanons???

Reader: Gender neutral

Warnings: Yandere content

Other Info: Slight mention of Nsfw, mention of kidnapping, probably bad spelling

Imagination: How often do they daydream about you? To what extent?

Riddle often daydreams when he's doing his homework. He is aware that is an inconvenient time, but Riddle can't help it. Most of his daydreams consists of study dates, make out sessions, and starting a family with you.

Kindness: Are they kind to the people you care for? Do they stop at a certain point?

Riddle isn't kind, but polite. There are times when Riddle pulls an Azul and fakes his kindness towards the people you care. If Riddle strait up kidnaps you then he'll kind of still be nice to them until he thinks is enough faking and leaves them. If Riddle makes your relationship public well he has to bit his tongue for a long time.

Nervous: Did they ever became nervous around/with you? Do they overcome it?

For the most part Riddle didn't become nervous when he was with you. When it did happen it was mostly him trying to impress you with his knowledge. Of course Riddle overcomes this little bump because what type of boyfriend would he be if he couldn't.

Quiet: Would they stay silent about their obsession?

Definitely. Riddle does not want you to think his a creep who stalks you all the time (Don't lie to yourself Riddle). Trey is the person who he talks to when he needs advice, but that's it. No one can know about his obsession, if somebody does found out well... "off with your head!"

Zany: What is the most odd thing that you have seen them do?

Do not let Riddle in the kitchen ever again. You went to grab a few snacks only to see a confused Riddle putting off a small fire with small cups of water. He burn down the stove wanting to make some tarts. Riddle explain to you that he wanted to do something special, but accidentally ended up burning down the kitchen. 

A/n: Finish! Hope you enjoy.  

~With care Writer

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