Azul Ashengrotto [I, K, N, Q, Z]

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Format: Headcanons???

Reader: Gender neutral

Warnings: Yandere content, slight Nsfw

Other Info: Probably bad grammar

Imagination: How often do they daydream about you? To what extent?

Azul daydreams about you a lot like 24/7. Even when he is doing deals with others students his mind goes to you, imagining that you'll give him lots of affection for doing such a good job. Most of his daydreams tend to be about forming a family with you and then there are times then he thinks about the next place he'll take you for a date. Maybe he'll take you to a romantic dinner and when it ends you could give him a few long kisses since you love him so much.

Kindness: Are they kind to the people you care for? Do they stop at a certain point?

Azul is fake kind to the people you care, nothing coming out of his mouth is genuine kindness or compassion. He'll play the nice guy around you just to make you happy, but when you are not around he's more cold because in Azul's mind you should only care for him only. When (yes it's a when not an if) Azul takes you home then the whole act is almost over, he waits a few weeks as to not raise suspicion.

Nervous: Did they ever became nervous around you? Do they overcome it?

Azul is always nervous when he is with you just that it doesn't show. Most of this stems from not wanting to leave a bad impression on you. Later on Azul will most probably overcome this, it'll take time that's for sure.

Quiet: Would they stay silent about their obsession?

Azul most definitely stays silent about his obsession, he doesn't want anyone to know about it or most specifically he doesn't want others to think of you in the same way he does. Floyd and Jade have an idea, but they don't speak about it.

Zany: What is the most odd thing that you have seen them do?

The most odd thing you seen Azul do is practicing how to do a lap dance. He tried to explain to you, with a flush face, that he wanted to do something sexy for you.

A/n: I hope you enjoy reading this! I'm thankful for all the support you have given my blog.

~ With love Writer

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