Rook Hunt [A, B, C, D, J]

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Request: "Can i ask for B, D, C, J and A for Rook, please? I'm a sucker for these alphabet games 💗" From Anonymous

Reader: Gender neutral

Warnings: Yandere content, mention of death

Other Info: Probably bad grammar

Admire: What do they admire about you? Have they ever told you about it?

Rook admires everything about you. There is nothing that he doesn't like. Rook makes sure to tell you everyday, every second, every moment how much he looks up to you. For him nobody can compare to you.

Beauty: How far are they willing to change their appearance and behavior for you?

Rook wouldn't change much at all. Perhaps a little on how he acts in front of you, but that's about it.

Creativity: How creative do they get to get your attention? At what point do they stop?

The hunter would write you poems after poems. Songs sung by Rook will certainly get your attention. He never stops being creative to get your attention even after he takes you away.

Dispose: Are they willing to kill for you?

Rook would do whatever you ask him for. If you want him to kill someone he'll do it. Even if you don't ask the hunter directly, Rook wouldn't hesitate to end someone. A rowdy boy who won't stop bothering you, gone the next week. A rival for your love, never heard from again.

Jokes: What would they do to make you happy/laugh? Would they make fools of themselves?

The hunter would spare nothing to make you smile once more. Songs, compliments, walks, or anything else for your entertainment. Making a fool of himself is the last resort Rook would take for having you laugh again.

A/n: Finish! Hope you enjoy.

~With Love Writer

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