Floyd Leech [F, U, Z]

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Request: "Hi! I was wondering if I can have yan!Floyd with F,U and Z please. Thanks!" From someone in Tumblr 

Reader: Gender neutral

Other Info: Probably bad grammar

Furtive: Do they feel guilty for stalking you? Are they afraid to get caught?

Floyd feeling guilty? Neeh. This boy doesn't feel anything when he stalks you. He also doesn't care if he gets caught. All he cares about is his little Shrimp being safe.

Ubiquitous: How do they make sure they're always with you? How do you know they're there/near?

To be sure you are always by his side Floyd holds you incredibly tight. He would squeeze you until you didn't wish to go anywhere. You know Floyd is near when people start to run away and begin to scream that Floyd is coming.

Zany: What is the most odd thing that you have seen them do?

The most odd thing you saw Floyd do is lick your legs while you were at a swimming pool. Floyd told you that he wanted to know how you tasted. From there on you never got into a pool with him.

A/n: Finish! Requests are open, do read the rules. Hope you enjoy my writing.

~With love Writer   

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