Secrets (Azul Ashengrotto v.s Idia Shroud)

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Reader: Female

Warnings: Yandere content

Other Info: Part one, heavy dialogue, probably bad spelling,

The bell had rung announcing it was time to go back to the dorms. Students rushed out of the building and most started running as it seemed like it was going to rain. Unlike the others (Y/n) couldn't afford to get a run not when her boyfriend could easily catch up to her if she waited for one of her friends to pick her up, and she honestly didn't feel like drowning in questions if he showed up. This resulted in the girl deciding on walking home it might be quite far, but much better than confronting him. The girl started walking as fast as she could while looking over her shoulder every once in a while trying to spot any of his silver hair; a dead giveaway that he was following her. A good ten minutes passed without the male appearing giving the girl a false sense of security. She stops next to a tree, deciding to take out the gift her friend had given her out of the bag. When suddenly she felt a hand grab her shoulder from behind. Her fist flew towards the figure, the person skillfully caught her attack and firmly held her hand, bruising it in the process.

"Angelfish! I'm not a punching bag."

The maiden looked into the blue eyes of the tall figure, her heart overflowing with panic.

"Oh, it's you Azul." Soon as his name fell from her lips the male gripped her hand tighter making the girl winced. The young man took notice of her pained look, but ignored it.

"Azul? What happened to honey?" The boy jests.

"I apologize, my mind is completely scrambled that I forgot."

"Oh angel fish, don't fret I won't hold it against you." Azul took a quick glance at her hand, he saw the mark he left, ignoring it as well, "Why were you so on-guard back there? Were you expecting someone to attack you."He joked, making the maiden roll her eyes.

"You can never be too careful."

"If that's the case I'm walking you to your dorm for extra security. You're too feeble." He cheerily stated.

"I guess." The pale male put his arm around her shoulders. "So how was your trip?"

"It was fun to say the least." Her eyes sparkled with joy and excitement, remembering her wonderful time at the beach alongside her best friend. Her train of thought interrupted by the blue-eyed male.

"That's all you have to say."

"Well I got to see some sharks, Idia almost drowned and-"

"Wait my board game buddy almost drowned HA! I wish I could witness it." (Y/n)'s hand instantly turned into a fist, and she swung her arm towards the male and it almost collided against his face. She glimpsed to the right seeing her hand was being held back once again by the silver haired male and to add insult to the injury the young man shook his head and mouth out truly pathetic. (Y/n)'s cheeks now scarlet and puffed, she will wipe that smirk out of him. Azul was now looking the other way while laughing at her pitiful attempt of a punch, she used this opportunity to use her left arm to smack him as hard as possible on the back of his head.

"What was that for?!" Azul removed his arm from her shoulder to start rubbing his head and immediately started to laugh. The maiden's head now gazing at the grey sky, a visible pink hue of her cheeks,

"God, Azul, you're so callous. No wonder you don't have any friends."

"I don't need friends. All I need is you" The maiden shook her head, maybe Ace was right only stupidity comes out Azul's mouth.

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