Kalim Al-Asim [I, K, N, Q, Z]

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Format: Headcanons???

Reader: Gender neutral

Warnings: Yandere content, kidnapping

Other Info: Short, probably bad grammar 

Imagination: How often do they daydream about you? To what extent?

Kalim doesn't need to daydream about you because he's always with you. Why dream about something when you already have it in front of you.

Kindness: Are they kind to the people you care for? Do they stop at a certain point?

Kalim is always with kind to anyone so he is kind to the people you care. Kalim will give them gifts and other stuff to have them by his side. Even after he takes you Kalim would still be nice to them.

Nervous: Did they ever became nervous around/with you? Do they overcome it?

Yeah, no Kalim is never nervous with you because why would he. Kalim is confident that you would never leave him and that you'll love him unconditionally.

Quiet: Would they stay silent about their obsession?

Kalim being quiet? That would be a miracle for you. Kalim is super loud about his obsession, but people brush it off as it naive love.

Zany: What is the most odd thing that you have seen them do?

The most odd thing was seeing him try out ankle golden chains that he had bought for you, he told you that he wanted to make sure they were comfortable for you. After that you couldn't leave his room.

A/n: Finish! I know it's short, but I hope you still enjoy it.

~ With love Writer

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