Malleus Draconia [A, C, U, W]

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Request: "a, c, u, and w on the yan alphabet list for malleus pls? 💖" From Anonymous 

Format: Alphabet 

Reader: Gender neutral

Warnings: Yandere content

Other Info: Probably bad grammar 

Admire: What do they admire about you? Have they ever tell you about it?

Malleus admires your courage. You were the first person to talk to him with a friendly smile instead of a fear aura. Malleus once did mention it on one of your nightly walks, but you could barely hear him.

Creativity: How creative do they get to get your attention? At what point do they stop?

Malleus can get a bit creative when he wants your attention. There's times when he would take your hand and tell you Sebek is near or that he wants to show you something "special" those are one of the few excuse he'll tell you to get your attention. Malleus stops trying to get your attention after he marries you because he expects you to have your attention all the time. Unless your cold with him then Malleus would do anything to get your attention, nothing is to much for him or that's what he thinks.

Ubiquitous: How do they make sure their always with you? How do you know they're there/near?

Malleus is always with you even helping you out when you need it. He comes up with the weirdest excuses to be close with you unless you are in class. You know Malleus is near when people start to evade you like the plague because you are aware that people are terrified of him.

Worship: Do they worship you? To what extent?

Malleus does worship you, but he doesn't show it. He does not wish to creep you out, yet when he does show his worshiper side be prepared for long hours of singing praises.

A/n: Finish with this one. I hope you continue supporting me in this weird writing journey. Like always I hope you enjoy reading my work.

~ With love Writer (^_^)

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