Part Six- Coming and going

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I got in my room, sat down to do homework but noticed I didn't have the book I needed for studying.

I grabbed my bag and went to school. Good thing they have school open for tutoring on the weekends.

I went in school and got my book. I went to walk to the doors but then saw peter and Ned.

What the hell are they doing here.. they looked really sneaky. I tried to resist but ended up following them.

They had gone into the wood working room. I went in the room and saw them banging on a purple glowing thing..

I walked over and cleared my throat. Peter quickly covered it but I had already seen it

"H-h-hey wha-Wha- um what are you doing.. here"

"Oh I just wanted to say hi cause I came to get my book"

Peter looked at Ned with wide eyes like they were trying to communicate telepathically.

"Um-cool- hi"

"You ok" I looked straight in the eyes trying to figure out what he was hiding.

"Sooo why you in here?"
I asked since he didn't answer my other questions

"Wood.. stuff"
"Can I see what your working on"

Ned interrupted
"Peter was making something for you.. so- do you can't see it"

I laughed "Ok then."

So Ned knows he's spiderman. I walked away knowing that I wouldn't get an answer out of them. I didn't think of telling my dad cause it's not that important.. right?

As I walked out I saw some suspicious guys walking in the distance. Two grown men without badges.

I looked one and he looked at me. I looked away then ran away.

I went home and studied cause the decathlon competition was this weekend

Me and Liz were practicing after school cause we were leaving tomorrow. The only reason she let me in so late is because I'm pretty smart but if it was anyone else, it wouldn't be allowed.

I flipped through a book and Liz looked around

"Why'd you even join?" "Felt like it.. I don't know" "is it peter" "hu-What?" "Dont you like Peter" "N-no" "Suree. Anyways, he quit" "he did?" "Yeah like the meeting last week he said he needed to stay here Incase tony stark needed him cause of his stark internship"

I laughed. My dad like is good with a team right now. Why would he need Peter.

"Ok what else should I study" "you're super smart, I think you've studied enough" "ok cool so I'll meet you tomorrow"

I stood up and hugged her then walked away.

Saturday morning- narrator-

Everyone got to the bus on time then soon enough peter came, not because he wanted to but for a secret plan.
They were hesitant to welcome him back but it didn't take long for them to take him back.

Y/n ran over. "Hey.. sorry I'm late"

Peter looked at her with wide eyes and nudged Ned.

"Oh no worries y/n"
Liz said then put an arm around her.

Everyone got on the bus. Y/n took the front row to share with Liz.

As the bus started going Liz quizzed everyone.

Y/ns pov-

Peter spoke from the back of the bus "Can I take this"
He said pointing to his phone.
"Yeah sure whatever"
Liz said

He went to the back where Ned was. "Hey happy- uh"

He started to say. But then Liz coughed

"I told you"

I scoffed knowing she was talking about me having a crush on peter.

I do not.

Liz started to do a speed round. Then she stopped the quizzing for a little while.

We got to the place and it was huge.

Me and Liz got to our room. She had a room with betty before so we got a three person room instead. It was great already.

We all had decided to go swimming but it was after hours.

I looked at my swimsuit "What if we just went instead. I actually heard that doing something rebellious before competition is good for goodluck"

Liz gasped "Yes! I read that."

Betty groaned "I'm so hungry though. We have to raid the vending machines"

I high fived the two and we got into our swimsuits. Liz texted the groupchat she had made about what we were doing and they obviously wanted to join.

I got into my swimsuit and put my hair up.

We went down to the vending machines and practically cleared it out.

We snuck back upstairs and everyone went off to the pool.

I had passed peters room. He came out as I was passing

"Oh- hi. We're going swimming, you have to come. Also we raided the vending machine and we have enough food to feed an army"

I handed him a candy bar

"And I-I read in a ted talk.. I mean I hear in a ted talk that rebellious activity is good for.. um morel.."

"Uh- yeah"
He said.

He had his hood up and looked really sus.

I put his hood down and looked at him. "Hurry up and get your trunks on we're going to have so much fun."

He nodded slowly and I went off to the pool.

I walked down and everyone was squealing and splashing each other

"Y/n jump in!"
Flash called out.

"I need my hair dry no way am I jumping in"

He grabbed my arm and pulled me in.

I started laughing and then me and Liz sat on the side of the hot tub later

L.O.V.E Me (a Peter Parker story and a daughter of tony stark story)Where stories live. Discover now