Part Eight-I have to tell you something

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After we got back to New York our parents came to pick us up.

I saw my dad with good and glasses on. I ran over to him and gave him a big hug "mom was going to come but she had some business stuff to figure out. But are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. I was scared at the moment but I'm pretty chill now"
He laughed
"Of course that would happen to my daughter"
"Did they ever figure out the cause of it?"
"I haven't heard anything about it. But you never know what something crazy like that can be caused by y/n"

I nodded and looked back at peter
"Are you going to talk to him"
I asked my dad
"No. He did the right thing. I just have to focus on packing, I mean have happy pack everything for moving day"

I nodded. "I'm going to go talk to him though"

My dad leaned against the bus and watched me.

I went up to peter and smiled at his aunt
"Hi sorry to disturb Ms.Parker but.. can I talk to peter"

"Oh sure. I'll go warm up the car"
She said

Peter turned around and I instantly gave him a huge hug. He was confused at first but hugged back.

He said once we both moved out of the hug
"Listen... um. Do you remember yesterday at the Washington monument- I mean of course you remember-"
"Wait about that did you say something to Spiderman.. like um.."

We both knew what the other was talking about but didn't want to address it
"I know your spiderman. And I knew... I've known ever since you first talk to tony stark."
"I knew you said Thank you peter but I wasn't sure"

I looked down "My dad.."

Should I really do this...
I looked back at my dad then he looked away.
"You know my dad. And the reason I knew your spiderman is because... my dad- my dad is um..."

Why can't I just spit it out
"My dad is tony stark"
I quickly said.

Peter looked at me confused "Funny... wouldn't he ya know to say something about having a daughter"

I looked back at my dad and waved him over to me. He walked over and looked at peter
"Hey kid"

Peter's eyes were wide. "And peter you the only one who knows- like besides the avengers and my teachers. You're the only one who knows and if I can keep your secret could you keep mine"

He smiled "Yeah.."

I put my hand on his arm then pulled him into another hug.

"See you on Monday"
I said to peter.

We went back home and I spent all night packing my stuff. We were moving to a new building upstate, I was hoping I didn't have to move schools in the process though.

I went to bed really late but being tired, still couldn't sleep.

My phone buzzed in the middle of the night. I picked up my phone and looked at the message

"I didn't know what to say earlier since I was a little overwhelmed but I've been up for hours thinking of what to say. But all I could think of was glad I could save you today 👊🏻."

I smiled at the message.

I wrote back "Good to know I'm not going to be the only tired one tomorrow. And I'm glad I could be saved by the one and only Spider-Man ❤️💙."

Peter must have been awake cause he responded back instantly "Can we go out tomorrow" "I mean like hangout" "not a date... I meant"

"Sure. How do you feel about delmars? I know you like destroyed his place but I heard he has a stand with sandwiches.."

"Ok great. Talk to you tomorrow"

I put my phone down and smiled at the ceiling. I squealed into my pillow and then fell fast asleep.

I had woken up in the morning to look extra glam. I usually didn't do much but put on comfy clothes and put on a no-makeup makeup look but today they had sent out emails to show your spidey pride so I decided to do something special.

I curled my hair, did my makeup, and put on a red baby t that said "Spiderman" across it with a little spiderman cartoon hanging off a wall.

I had found it in a local tourist shop and knew I had to have it.
I went out of my room and vision stood wide-eyed "You ok" I asked

"I am doing as well as every day. A bit lost is all" "With?"
"I am unsure of what I am doing today. Wanda is sleeping in late so I have nothing to do."
"Have you ever tried coloring. I think you'd be good at it"

I went into my room and grabbed an Avengers coloring book. I grabbed some crayons and gave it to him "You just color inside the lines of the pictures with the different colors. I recommend doing it on a flat surface"
"Why thank you y/n this seems like a lot of fun"
I smiled and walked downstairs

My dad was drinking coffee and looking at a newspaper "I'm off to school!" "Bye honey!"

Happy drove me to school as usual and I saw Peter and Ned getting out of the bus.

I went over to them and smiled "Hey!" "Oh h-hi"

Ned walked off and looked around
"Oh! Look"

I took off my hoodie and showed my shirt. "I thought I needed to show some spiderman thanks today"

Peter chuckled I could see he was genuinely happy.

"I have to go to class but I'll talk to you later"
I smiled and waved.

I went off to class and every hour just waited for the classes to pass so I could go to the date.. well, hang out with Peter...

L.O.V.E Me (a Peter Parker story and a daughter of tony stark story)Where stories live. Discover now