Part Seven-Spiderman, my hero

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Not going to the pool with y/n was probably the hardest decision I've had to make like.. all year.

I watched as she laughed and smiled at the poolside. But then I looked off in the distance remembering that the bad guys were still out there. Still selling the weapons...


I sat down with Liz as we talked and watched as everyone swam.

"So why won't you admit you have a crush on peter"
Liz said quietly
"I don't. I just think he's really cool."
Liz rolled her eyes
"Such a faker. Do you think deep down there's a possibility you like him"
"Of course. He's a great guy but I'm not going to actually ask him out..."
"But you'll crush on him"
I said with a little more yelling but still quiet.

"Fine. If you don't like peter... kiss flash"

I scoffed "Wha- fi-fine"

I went down into the hot tub and sat next to flash

He said looking at me.

I grabbed his face and kissed him. He pulled me close to him and just as I was about to pull away I thought of something.

What if I just made out with him to convince her I don't like him.

I started to kiss him more but then the image of peter walking in popped into my head.

I pulled away and acting like I meant to do that.

" there"
I said looking at Liz.

"Still doesn't prove anything"
She said.

I groaned then pushed her into the pool and she started laughing. She pulled me in with her. A half an hour later we went back to our rooms.

After I showered I knocked on the door to the boy's room but no one answered.

I went to knock but heard snoring. I went back to my room and fell fast asleep

Meanwhile, while everyone was fast asleep Peter was in a battle with the Vulture.

Peters pov-
I woke up in a metal box type thing but was able to break out.

I ran a refresher course with my suit lady, named my suit lady Karen and talked to her about y/n.
I laid down in my jacket with my suit on thinking about y/n.

"She's just been so nice to me... a-and I really like her. Ned thinks she likes me but I don't know.. and the fact that she just joined the decathlon team for no reason is really cute.."

I laid and thought about her for a few seconds but then Karen said that the glowy thing is a bomb. I needed to warn Ned.

Y/n- Morning-

I woke up and got into a cute outfit. I put on my decathlon jacket, did my hair and makeup and met up with everyone in the lobby

There was no sign of Peter. I looked around hoping he would just say he's late but that wasn't the case.

We got to the decathlon competition place. My nerves got the best of me the whole time and everyone was faster than me but right as we had the last question I decided to take it

"The answer is.. z-zero..?"
I said unsure of my answer. Then everyone started to cheer cause we won.

We all had a group hug and went to the Washington monument. I and Betty wanted to get food but they insisted on going to the damn building first.
As we went through security Ned was on a call with peter. I grabbed the phone and he sounded out a breathe

"Peter I should scold you but I'm actually really worried about you to like are you ok?"
"Hey! Hey.. hey.. um-put- put Ned back on!"

The security looked at neds phone "All items on the belt ma'am"
I put the phone down and walked through the metal detector

We all got on the elevator and went up. All of a sudden a flash of purple light went out of neds backpack and acted as a laser. It pierced a line through the top of the elevator. We all started to panic

The lady worker with us was saying we were safe and shit but we were not, it was obvious. Like 10 people in an elevator with Neds laser thing, no way were we safe.

The people were able to open the top to get some of the kids out.

Flash was so worried about the dumb trophy he almost costed his life for it.

Everyone went out one by one when it was just me, Ned, Liz, and Mr.Harrington.

The elevator then started to fall but just then Spiderman crashed in and tried to get a hold of the elevator but he ended up just falling in.

He shot a web to the top of the tower and pulled us up.

"Yeah spiderman!"
Ned said with a little hop

"Hey-hey calm down big guy"
Peter said with a weird deeper, more New Yorker accent.

I giggled and Peter looked at me.

I'd always seen pictures and hear about superhero stuff but I was never apart of a real saving, especially by someone I know.

Everyone got out and I was last I was about to get out when the bottom of the elevator opened.

Peter webbed my arm and pulled me back up.

Before I was scared but still chill but now I was really scared. I got back on the platform but it was still crazy.

Peter just stayed staring at me after he was done.

"Thank you peter"
I mouth and then he fell.. should I have let him know I know.

I mean I was planning to tell him all that so it's fine.. right

L.O.V.E Me (a Peter Parker story and a daughter of tony stark story)Where stories live. Discover now