Part Twenty-Nine-Love is in the air

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5 days before Tony and Peppers wedding- Narrator-
Steve had wanted to make it a surprise that he was going to tony and peppers wedding but I didn't work out that way.
Tony ended up finding out but being happy.
Steve was also able to get the other avengers to go to the wedding, with permission from Tony and Pepper of course.

Natasha was being Peppers maid of honor and Happy was being Tony's best man.
Y/n wanted to be the flower girl so she was let to that.
The wedding was only days away and it almost slipped to the public a few times.

Y/n sat at her vanity doing her homework. She finished it quickly and went to the 3rd floor where her parents were working out the last few parts of the wedding.

Y/ns Pov-
"We've been out of good food for a while can one of you go to the store"
I said walking over to them
"We're busy right now honey. I'll go later, alright?"

I groaned and went back to my room. As I sat down I grabbed my laptop and went through some emails. Then I saw an interesting one that read.

"Hello Y/n. The team of Queens Newspapers Publishing Company had wanted to interview you ever since your big debut to the city. We were wondering if you'd want to do an interview with us."

I stopped reading and put down my laptop. Why do they want me.. I'll have to think about that.

Then there was a knock at my window. I put my laptop on my vanity and opened the window for peter.

"You do know we have a front door"
"It more fun this way"
Peter said and closed the window.

"Isn't it boring going out there every day"
I asked sitting down and he took off his mask.
"Every other day now. But it's been quiet around here so I guess it's kinda boring"

"That's a good thing that it's quiet"
Peter nodded, agreeing with me.

He leaned toward me and kissed my cheek.
"What have you been up to"
He asked

I said pointing to the work on my vanity

"Wanna come to my apartment. May said she missed seeing you"

"Sure. I miss her too"
I said back to Peter

I looked at him and smiled.
"I'll go tell my parents I'm leaving"

I got up and went upstairs to tell my parents I was going to hang out with Peter.

I had happy drive us to his house.. and yes peter was still wearing his suit but thankfully there was no one around to see him.

We went into his apartment and Peter went to change.

"Hi may!"
I said as she walked out of her room. I gave her a big hug and we started to talk about life and just caught up with everything.

I felt like even though I hadn't known her for very long, It felt I've known her forever. She acted almost like my own aunt.

Peter came out of his room now out of his suit.

"So are you two hungry?"
I shrugged as May asked

"I'm really hungry"
Said peter
"Well of course you are, you've been working."
May said back to him

May started to make some food and I attempted to help her. Peter put on a movie but May and I couldn't stop laughing at how awful I was at cooking.

Soon enough we were able to cook some food.
Peter, Me, and May sat together and ate watching the movie peter had put on.

It had started to get dark and the movie had finished so I decided to make my way home.

"Can I try and take the car to drive her home"
Peter said to May as I stood by the door.
"Sure but do not crash my car"

Peter grabbed the keys
"I got this"

Me and peter went down to May's car.
We both got in and peter took a deep breath

"Are you even able to drive"
I asked putting on my seatbelt and feeling a little concerned.

"I went to driving classes.."

...And after a slow and very careful drive, Peter actually was able to get us to my house.

Peter walked with me inside and my house was pretty quiet.

L.O.V.E Me (a Peter Parker story and a daughter of tony stark story)Where stories live. Discover now