Part Fourteen- changing things up

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The morning-
I grabbed my bag and went downstairs. The first night in a new house was weird but it was really nice.

I grabbed a quick breakfast and went out. Happy drove me to school as usual and I went to Peter.

"Hi" "hi"

Ned looked at us "Perfect couple"

He walked away and we both started laughing.
"I was thinking about something last night"
Peter said once we had stopped laughing

"Have you met all the avengers?"
He asked
I thought for a second
"I think so. Once after a fight, they all went to get food and I went along and met them. I haven't met those new guys yet."
"That's so cool"
Peter said really excited.

I looked around and then saw Lexi coming towards us with the girls. We haven't talked in a while what could she possibly want.

"We need you back in the cheer squad"
I looked at peter then her
"Cheer. You have to come back"

I crossed my arms and looked at her.

"We are down members and you were like the only good one. So come back or our team is getting shut down"

I scoffed "No thanks"

Lexi looked me up and down then at peter. She walked away and I looked back at peter
"Why don't you wanna go back to cheer"

I shrugged "I feel like they brought the bad out in me and they were trying to- to control me"
"Really? What they try to control?"
"Me hanging out with you. They thought because you're smart and have good grades that you like a nerd but your not. And they said that I was popular so I couldn't hang out with- with someone like you. I didn't really understand it"

Peter was about to say something but the bell rang

"I'll see you at lunch"
I kissed his cheek then walked away.

I really liked him and I felt really comfortable with him.

The day went on and after school, we had an academic decathlon meeting.

I sat down and was first there. Betty sat next to me and we talked. Peter and ned sat in front of us. And the rest of the people came.

Mr.Harrington sighed and looked at me
"So everyone our new captain is Y/n. As requested by Liz"

Everyone started to clap and then I caught peter starring at me...

I went on with what Mr.harrigonton told me to do and Peter got a phone call while I was talking

"Can I take this it's my aunt" he said.

I nodded then went on talking.

The meeting was very short since we didn't have much to discuss.

Me and betty walked out together. I wanted to talk to peter so I stood waiting with Betty.

She looked at me watching peter
"You two are so cute together"

I laughed and looked at her "Thanks... I really like him"

"But how did someone like him get with someone like you"

I crossed my arms "What do you mean?"
She looked at him then back at me
"He's a geeky, nerdy, straight A+, quiet guy and you're this fabulously popular former cheerleader girl"

"Not really... I'm not that popular anymore. I'm in the decathlon team and I have straight As too.."

"Do you actually not see how different you guys are?" she said now crossing her arms.

I shrugged "I didn't- I never thought about that. And who cares if we like each other the-then it doesn't matter what crowds we fit in"

She laughed "Totally"

She walked out and Peter came over "Hey you're still here" "Yeah I was waiting for you and talking with Betty"

He nodded "May said she needed to talk to me since I've been avoiding her since what happened"

I nodded "I'll talk to you later," he said walking away.

I walked out and called Happy.

I couldn't stop thinking about what Betty said. Are we really that different..?

"How was the meeting" Happy asked
"It was good. I'm the team captain now which is cool"
"Nice job"
I nodded.

"You should start driving lessons so I don't have to drive you everywhere"
Happy said glancing at me for a moment. I laughed "Yeah and what car am I going to use for practice? This car cannot be wrecked it's your car. One of my dad's many fancy cars? No way."

"We'd get you your own car," he said "So I can demolish a new car? I'm gonna stick with you Happy"
He smiled then I put on some music.

L.O.V.E Me (a Peter Parker story and a daughter of tony stark story)Where stories live. Discover now