Part eleven- you.. kissed me?

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Liz and I were talking with the girls and her date and a few other people.

I saw Peter walk in and he looked even more like he'd seen a ghost. He was just looking at the door and then finally walked in. He walked over to me and before I could ask if he was ok he said
"Gotta go"

He walked away out of the gym. I followed him. He has thrown off his tie and I saw him lift up a locker and run away.

I picked up his tie and suit jacket he had thrown off. I followed where he went out and peaked out. I heard yelling. I felt like if I knew what he was doing I would get in trouble by my dad.

So I walked back and sat down at a table. I felt like the time passed quicker than usual.

A few people had left and I felt like I needed to be one of them.

I grabbed my purse and walked out without saying anything. The others were too busy having fun to notice so it's fine.

Shit.. how am I going to get home. Happy is busy taking care of the packing. My dad and mom are at the new house. Vision... can't drive. Wanda... can't drive. Ummm Rhodey! I'll call him to pick me up!

I am not walking home in heels that's just borderline crazy.

I called Rhodey and he came and picked me up.

"Arent you meant to be having fun?"
"Yeah but I wasn't."
"Well on the bright side now you can help with boxes"
"Very funny."

I looked down then back up
"Thank you for picking me up."
"Of course kid."
"Is the new place nice?"
He nodded
"I looked at all the rooms and your dad gave you one of the big rooms."

We talked for a while and I was feeling a lot better.
He dropped me off at the old house and I went to my room. I changed into some more casual clothes then packed up my stuff in bags. They had already taken all the furniture.

A little while later-
I was actually helping Happy with the boxes but not doing the heavy lifting, just bossing people around.

We both walked out and saw the jet that was carrying a lot of the alien stuff was about to crash into the beach.

I looked at happy in distress.

Oh god, I hope that's, not Peters doing.

"Get inside and call your dad"
Happy said getting in the car.

I grabbed the car door and opened it
"No! I am coming. That is definitely not anyone's doing but peters, he left me at homecoming for god's sake!"

Happy looked out his window then sighed a big sigh

"Fine.. fine!"
"Good I wasn't taking no as an answer"
I said sitting down
He touched some things on his screen in the car and called backup.

We quickly got to the beach and it was literally up in flames. Boxes everywhere and webs scattered.

"Now. This time you have to stay here"
Happy said to me.

I crossed my arms and looked around
Parker where are you hiding.

I looked behind me and saw a peter looking person laying on a sign. He was watching everyone on the beach. He looked hurt

I took out my phone and called him. He picked up

"Parker. Get down here please"
I said into the phone and he looked around
"Happy saw the plane crash so I had to come to see you"
"Oh- well um I'll be right down there"

He hung up and swung down to the sign.
I went over to him and gave him a big hug.

Peter said quietly

I looked at him and put my hands on his face.
"You're all beat up what happened"

I slid my hands down to his shoulders and he looked behind me to the beach "Well. I beat vultures ass and stopped him from- from stealing all that tech"

He paused and switched his gaze to me "I'm sorry I left you at homecoming... hopefully you
had fun without me"
"It's ok. I understand why you did now. I actually didn't- everyone was really boring. But if I didn't get home I wouldn't have been able to help pack so.. blessing in disguise"

Peter nodded slightly.

I looked into his eyes and pulled him to me. I kissed him lightly on the lips then looked at him.

"You-you kissed me..."
He pulled me in and kissed me again but more passionately this time.

He pulled away and I looked down with a smile on my face

"I have to go"
"Talk to me tomorrow though?"
He nodded and swung away.

I bit my bottom lip to hold in my excitement. I calmed myself and acted like everything was normal.

L.O.V.E Me (a Peter Parker story and a daughter of tony stark story)Where stories live. Discover now