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"Hows the problem here Med?" She joked as she walked towards them, making Hyejin lift her head up from the bed and furrow her eyes at her superior. 

"Jesus Christ Byul." Wheein chuckled at Hyejin's annoyance, not making it any better for the girl in bed. Wheein was applying an ointment for Hyejin's leg and Hyejin moved it away from the girl, annoyance in her face. "Its not even painful!"

"Its Sergeant Moon to you." Byulyi said before walking lazily next to Wheein and grabbing a bottle of alcohol and pouring it on Hyejins leg making her scream and move her body around from the pain. "Not Painful huh?"

"Sergeant, What are you doing?!" Wheein shouted, holding Byulyi's hand to stop her from doing it. 

Byulyi cheekily moved her head to the small girls way and dropped the bottle, she smiled. "Just being the Best friend that i am. Right Hyejin?"

"Fuck you." She said in between her heavy breathing. Wheein rushed to her aid.

"You wish." She laughed and went away and sat down in front of them. She took her beret off before speaking again. "Hyejin, You know about the plans from the superiors right?" Hyejin didnt answer but Byulyi knew she knew what she was talking about. "About the alpha team? We gotta meet the others from other Units tomorrow. You know about that right?"

Wheein looked over at Byul and looked back at Hyejins leg. "Of course i know about it, im not dumb" She sat herself up and shooed Wheein. "Im okay." she said rather annoyed. 

She really didnt like how Wheein was so 'obsessed' with her, how she was always following her around ever since middle school, Hyejin realized she cant really escape her since she's still hear saving her ass just like those years ago. She unfolded her pants before getting up. "We still have that-"

"Sgt Ahn Hye Jin, Sgt Moon Byul Yi. The Captain wants you at the office as soon as possible." One of the Privates saluted before telling them. "It's a private matter and its for the best to be there quickly." Byul and Hyejin nodded and ran towards the Captains office.

"How's your leg?" Byulyi asked as they ran which made Hyejin roll her eyes at her. 

"You asked the same goddamn question 3 times today. I told you im fine now, especially after you poured alcohol on it, im more than okay." Hyejin said sarcastically making the older girl laugh and they reached the office. 

"Come in and close the door." He said and they did just that. 

"What's going on?" Hyejin asked, making her father sigh heavily. 

"Im calling a private mission just the three of us." He said making Byul wide eyed, he looked at his daughter. "Remember Kim Ji hyung?" Hyejin nodded, "She contacted me earlier"

"Theyre still alive??" Hyejin asked, Byulyi was very confused to who these people were. 

"Yes, We need to get them out of there. At night." He said, more of an order. "They're located in 35.8242° N, 127.1480° E, approx."

"And where is that exactly?" Byulyi asked with furrowed brows. Hyejins eyes widened.


The three of them left the ship into a helicopter with only a few soldiers knowing of their whereabouts, The helicopter dropped them off in Deokjin-gu street in Jeon-ju. Hyejin felt nostalgia seeing the familiar environment, but not the way it used to be. On the other hand Byulyi was completely a newborn to the place. The captain looked at some sort of device and put it back in belt pocket. He grabbed on his gun tightly before speaking.

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