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"Command Sergeant Major, Moon Byul Yi." She stated.

The man on the chair turned around from the giant windows from the back on his office to face her. Byulyi rolled her eyes at the - once again - dramatic intro, she was way too familiar with. Her lieutenant lifted his leg to rest on the other as she leaned on his obviously very expensive chair. Byulyi wonders why the General wasnt the one with the humble brag when he's the highest rank of all. 

"Pleased to see you again, Sergeant." Byulyi saluted. "I wanted to give you a task.. For the Alpha team i mean."

"You couldve sent someone to tell me instead making me come all the way here?"

"Is it a crime to have the desire to see your face again?" He smiled, I most certainly dont want to see you. Byulyi thought to herself. "Anyway's lets make this quick," Please. " My sector's scientists are close to a vaccine to all this, all theyre missing is a vile in 37.5590° N, 126.9862° E, Plantation 26." 

"Plantation 26.. Namsan-Dong, Daegu.." Byulyi said almost above a whisper. "That place is swarming with zombies, Sir. And, My team is already on a mission."

"Dont worry about it, i've already told the General about this. Yes, it's swarming with zombies, i know that. I wouldnt be telling you this if i didnt." He said and leaned forward resting his elbows on his desk, "That's why i want the Alpha team to do it." Byulyi didnt say anything, "I want to see how much of an 'Alpha' you guys are."

Byulyi clenched her teeth and he noticed her face tensing. He smiled.

"Im not trying to get you guys killed, of course. Im just testing your capabilities. I know you guys are the only ones who can get through this without dying." He said, "Dont die.. Please Byulyi. Stay safe."

"I dont die, you should know that by now. When do you want us to commence the operation?" She changed the topic, seeing him all worried for her makes her want to punch him.

"Tomorrow at 1900hrs." Byulyi saluted and turned around. "Dont get bitten, that's an order." She scowled at that, without another word. She left his office and headed to the helicopter waiting for her at the ships helipad. 

'Dont get bitten' hah, as i dont already know that. Tch. The helicopter took off as soon as she stepped foot in it. As she entered her ship, she immediately went to the cafeteria along with Hyejin. She knew that the cafeteria was where those three always hang out so she went there to discuss about the new mission assigned by The Lieutenant. 

"So, all we need is to find the vile.. that's it?" Minhyuk asked.

"That's it?? That place has alot of rooms and all that stuff, how are we gonna find a single vile and - not to mention - while fighting off zombies, that place is swarming with them too!" Seulgi said, Minhyuk shut his mouth and looked down on his fingers as if he was doubting he would get out of there alive. "Even if we're the Alpha team, we're not immortal.."

"Hey, we're getting out alive, im making sure of that, okay?" Byulyi said to calm themselves, "And, Someone who cant sacrifice anything cant change anything. If we want all of this to stop, we have to be willing to throw aside our humanity when the time comes." Eric looked at her as if he was touched by what she said.

"Well said," Hyejin clapped her hands sarcastically, "So, y'all in?"

"Do we even have a choice?" Eric asked, "Of course we're coming, bet you'd die without us."

"Great, our first operation together as a team!" Seulgi exclaimed, trying to show that she wasnt scared. She has done missions before, but plant 26 was different. Thousands of scientists worked there, and all of them turned.

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