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"Get me visual on Erics ship." Hyejin ordered as she stood in front of the big screen of the control room with her arms crossed. One of the soldiers immediately switched the footage to Erics ship. Hyejin sighed in relief seeing her friend well and good. She was surprised the 'Raiders' didnt make a move on him yet. "How longer will he take to get to japan?"

"Approximately 34 hours mam. Less than 2 days." A soldier replied and she nodded. The General then got into the control room and everyone stood up to salute to him. He signed them to sit back down. 

He went to the soldier that reported about the UAE aircraft and asked him to gain visual. Hyejin looked at the screen as the visual of the aircraft was heading towards them and will reach in less than 4 hours. Hyejin was about to go back out as her purpose for coming was no longer needed. The General stopped her and she looked at him confused. 

"Sir." Byulyi said as she opened the door to his office before saluting and standing in attention infront of him and Yongsun did the same. "Sgt Moon Byul Yi." She stated her name.

"Cadet Kim Yong Sun." The other girl stated her name as well, and stood at ease as the General looked at the both of them. Mostly at Yongsun. 

He sighed and said, "Sergeant." Moonbyul salted for 2 seconds and back down. "You lost your arm because of her. Are you sure she'll even be qualified to join your team? Do you have any ounce of regret saving her? Tell me soldier. Are you sure you can ever protect her from now onwards without your hand?" Her expression wasnt fazed though she knew that the chances of her ever going back to the field and protect her friends were low. 

"As long as im breathing. I will serve my country." The General narrowed his eyes at her, "And no sir. I do not regret a single thing. Now that she's here, we have intel on the enemy, as well as a step forward to stop this epidemic. She's worth the lives sacrificed."

The general nodded nonchalantly. And turned his head towards Yongsun. "Are you ready to risk your life for the country? Risk your life to save your comrades?" Yongsun shouted 'Sir, yes, sir!'. "Do you feel bad for Sgt Moon's loss. It was because of you after all.", The girl couldnt answer that question. Byulyi gulped knowing the General didnt like waiting for his answers. 

"No sir." He was surprised with her answer. "I was ready to die then and there for them. It was Sergeant Moon's choice to save me."

Yongsun then inwardly slapped herself for the dumb answer. She totally ignored that the whole mission was to save her and not get her killed. The General chuckled knowing well on this fact but decided not to further into this conversation. He knew that if the mission wasnt to save her, Byulyi wouldve still done what she did, so her response is still valid. 

"Okay then." He smiled and stood up from his chair and walked towards Yongsun. "Welcome to the Alpha team. Private Kim Yong Sun." Byulyi tried so hard to contain her smile, she was really happy to hear that from the General. He looked at Byulyi who was almost cracking a smile. He chuckled, "At ease.." 

Byulyi immediately hugged Yongsun and flinched at her hand was still recovering. Yongsun chuckled and hugged her back. The general smiled at them but also annoyed to see them show 'PDA' inside his office.

"Thats lovely. But please do your business outside my office. Thank you." Byulyi apologized and they went out. 

As soon as they were out Byulyi had a rush of happiness go through her for a second and didnt think before kissing the girl on the lips. Yongsun had her eyes wide open as it happened. And Byulyi pulled away still smiling not realizing what she just did. Yongsun's face was as red as a tomato. 

"W-w-w-w- what-" Yongsun stuttered like her life depended on it. Byulyi finally realized nd backed away from her. Byulyi didnt know why she did that but when she did she realized how much she was longing to kiss back. 

"S-sorry about that- i was uhh i was just-" Byulyi said while looking away. She gulped and walked away and Yongsun followed slowly behind her. "So we gotta tell the others about it." She turned back with a completely blank expression as if nothing happened. Yongsun was disbelieving at that since her face was still bright red.


"That makes us even now." Yongsun hummed in response, still stuttering. "It didnt mean anything. I was just uhh teasing. Yeah, teasing." Yongsun nodded and as they headed to the Alpha, trying to pretend nothing happened.

Hyejin groaned as the general told her of Yongsun's promotion. She had mixed feelings about the girl. She felt like she was someone they really needed to protect since her blood was valuable. "Isnt it safer for her to stay here? We cant let her blood be out there all the time she could die."

"Considering what the 'Raiders' did last time we kept her here, we lost 39 people. Surviving, innocent, people, along with children below 15. We cants risk it, especially if the Alpha and Delta arent here to protect the civilians. We need her with your team Sergeant." He explained. Hyejin groaned the second time and saluted anyways.

"Sir yes sir." Hyejin was about to head out and find Byul.

"SIR!!" A soldier exclaimed and pointed at the screen the General looked at it as well as Hyejin. A missile was spotted heading towards the Aircraft. All of them had their eyes widened as the missile hit and the plane exploded. Hearing the explosion from the outside as it was near. The General, followed by Hyejin went out to look. A dark cloud with fire formed on the place where the plane was. 

Byulyi ran while limping out of the ship to see what that was. She was wishing it wasnt what she thought it was. She saw Hyejin and the General on the other side and ran slowly towards them. She saw their faces and immediately knew that was the Aircraft that was headed their way. No.. no way.. She thought.. 

Hyejin turned towards her as a tear left her eye. Knowing that thats another factor of winning down. The chances were lesser now. Flashes of how the world used to be played in her mind, the thought of her father and his death crossed her mind. Byulyi had a spec of hope in her mind. Even just a little, she has to have it. No matter what she's going to avenge her family. 


Hey again- sorry i keep promising stuff i cant promise ksksk im back with another update sorry it took long and still very small chapter. I've been very busy with school as well as preparations for the comic im remaking ksksk thanks so much for waiting and being understanding. 

Also, im gonna be updating "That, connects us." soon! maybe not too soon but sOoN!! 

Thanks for reading as always, hope you enjoyed! stay safe guys and love y'all gay asses!

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