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Hyejin walked back into the ship furiously towards the Alpha. Byulyi followed behind her trying to catch her attention. "Hyejin!" She called out. 

"What?!" The younger girl didnt stop on her tracks and pushed the door entrance angrily after she swiped her dogtag. Byulyi ran behind her. Hyejin saw Yongsun sitting in the room, before Yongsun could stand and salute to her superior, Hyejin immediately grabbed her collar against the wall.

Yongsun was scared and confused to what she was doing. She could see Hyejin's eyes filled with tears. She immediately understood what somewhat happened. 

"You dont belong here.. this is all your fault!!" Hyejin shouted. Byulyi tried to pull her back, Yongsun didnt say anything, she didnt know what to. 

"Hyejin. Yongsun has nothing to do with this. You know that. Let her go now, thats an order." Byulyi calmly said. She saw how Hyejin acted, she's seen that face before, a long time ago. It took a while for Hyejin to finally let Yongsun go and calm down. Byulyi sighed in relief when she did. 

Hyejin clicked her tongue in annoyance, though she was smart enough to know whatever she couldve done to her, wouldnt change the fact that they're in the losing side, and not to mention a loss of two hands when they need it. All they could depend on now was Eric's return from Japan.

Byulyi looked at her as she walked out of the room. She looked back at Yongsun checking if shes okay. "Im sorry about her, something just happened and she's not exactly in a good mood." She explained, as well as told her what happened earlier that made Hyejin like that. Yongsuns face shocked and scared as the girl explained.

"Im guessing she blames me huh?" Yongsun said as she put her shirt on properly. Byulyi nodded slowly at her question and the other girl sighed. "i dont blame her, who else are you gonna blame if something like that happened.." Byulyi nodded again unsure of what to say.

After a long while of silence Byulyi looked at the time, "Ah right, i gotta go to the laboratory right now. Stay here okay?" Yongsun nodded and asked what Byulyi was gonna do there. "Oh, yeah something about getting injected. Im pretty sure its about the camouflage thingy from your blood. I better get going, stay safe." Yongsun nodded again and sat down as she looked at the girl now leaving the room. She was left alone as Seulgi and Minhyuk had work in the control room especially after the explosion. They needed to pinpoint the location where the missile was fired.

The Alpha room was below the laboratory, and the room was in the lower part of the ship which was underwater, which makes it safer. Byulyi groaned at the pain in her leg wound as she walked up the stairs. It amazed her how much she's been able to cope with the pain like its not even there, but it was and it felt like hell. She tried hard not to limp on her way. She got there and Hyejin was already there along with the rest of the alpha team minus Eric. Wheein was with them too. 

Byulyi jokingly waved her left arm at them and she laughed seeing their faces at the sight. 

"Get in line, mam." A medic said as he got the injections ready. Byulyi stood behind Minhyuk and waited as they went one by one. Hyejin was the first one in line, followed by Wheein, Seulgi, Minhyuk and Byulyi. The General was already injected and now was in his office, he was checking out the location Minhyuk sent him which was where the missile was launched approximately, he wanted it to be private.

The medic was about to inject it into Hyejin but before he could another explosion was heard. The whole Alpha team had their eyes wide open for a second. Hyejin rolled her sleeve back down and looked at Byulyi and they ran out of the ship building to the helipad. Their eyes widen at the sight of one of their ships being in fire.

T-thats- Xiumin oppa's ship-... Byulyi thought to herself. Her eyes wide as they can be. She immediately changed the channel of her intercom and tried to contact anybody from that unit. "Hello? Does anyone copy? Over." She said and waited but nothing. "Does anyone copy?! Hello?? This is Sergeant Moon Byul Yi of unit 12, Alpha team. Does anyone copy? Please copy. Over." Still nothing. The others flickered their eyes between each other and the sinking ship. "Minhyuk and Seulgi get back to the control room and report back to me when you get-"

She was cut when another sound of incoming missile was audible. Before she could tell where it was headed it blew up the bottom part of the ship, they fell down from the huge impact. "Now!! go go!!" Byulyi said to the other three, as she tried her best to get back up, "Get everyone to evacuate GO!!" Byulyi said. Her eyes widened as she realized. Yongsun... Without another though she ran back inside the ship, as fast as she could. Down the steps all the way the bottom of the ship. 

Yongsun sat there fidgeting with her fingers, waiting for the rest of the Alpha team to get back to the room. She thought about what had happened, and the possibilities of them ever getting a chance to win and get everything back to normal again. She grew anxious as she could no longer think of any way to win against them. She stood up from her seat in hopes to find something to cure her boredom on the shelves. 

She was suddenly thrown off to the wall as the explosion happened. She hit her head on the wall which caused bleed and she fell on the floor from the impact. Water started to flow in the room before she passed out. 

"Fuck-" Byulyi cursed as she came to the floor where the Alpha room was, because the water went as high up to her waist and is going up quickly. She had to swim to get there quicker, which was hard for her injuries. The salt water burned her hand and leg. As soon as she got to the room the water was already as high as her arms. "Yongsun!!" She shouted.

She quickly took her dogtag and tried swiping it on the device beside the door. The device was already underwater which got it busted. Byulyi groaned again, she panicked, she didnt know what to do now. She kept banging on the door in hopes Yongsun will be okay and open the door herself from the inside. "Yongsun!! Are you there?!" She banged on the door and tried to kick it. The water level was already to her neck. "YONGSUN!!!"

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