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"We've developed a similar liquid substance that could potentially be used as cure or at least a vaccine from this epidemic, we've named the SKe1-27. It was extracted from the blood of one of our fellow recruits, Kim Yongsun; who is known to have some sort of camouflage against the zombie's sense of smell." Wheein recorded herself infront of Hyejin, both reporting and recording her findings. She held the vile with the blue liquid infront of her before continuing, "With this, we could be one step closer to winning this so called war between the undead and the dead." As wheein said that Hyejin immediately changed her expression and the smaller girl stopped holding on to the button making the recording pause. "Whats wrong Jinnie?"

She gulped before shaking her head, "Nothing, please continue." Wheein raised her brow but cant disobey orders so she cleared her throat and pressed on the recorder again.

"Only problem is - according to our recent findings - one vile of SKe1-27 is equivalent to 10% of the remaining population. 15/150 people approximately." Every word that left Wheeins mouth made Hyejins heart sink little by little, losing hope in the process. "The SKe1-27 would be able to give us an advantage against the Zombie's sense of smell, if further researched, potentially crossing off the factors transformation from living to dead is possible. That's all i have for today, Medic Scientist Jung Whee In, signing off." She stopped the recording and placed it beside her.

"15 people only?" Hyejin asked worriedly.

"Yes, the other scientists were discussing that the Alpha team and the Delta force as well as the General would be the most reasonable ones to be injected with this. That leaves out 6 people." She said, a pause went on for a few seconds before Hyejin began to talk again.

"You should take one too." Wheein's eyes widen, "Youre coming with us, your were a soldier Wheein. We would need few extra hands, 'specially now. And youre one of the best."

"'Was'." She said, "Im not going back there again.. I cant. You know what happened, i saw everything"

"And you managed to kill them with a kitchen knife. Alot of them, during the morning too. Please Wheein ah, we need you in this." Hyejin tried to convince her, she didnt really want Wheein to work in the field with them but now that Byulyi was injured and permanently scarred from fighting, she needed her. ".. I need you." She continued, she never really thought she would ever say that to Wheein.

"..Okay. Fine." Hyejin smiled.

Byulyi was clingy around Yongsun like she always is, putting her right arm around the girls neck. She was still thinking about the kiss they shared and wanted to act like it didnt faze her at all. Yongsun was visibly annoyed but playful to Byulyi's gestures, playing along to the girl's attempts of making the atmosphere between them loosen up. "So what was that kiss earlier aye Yonggie?" Byulyi thought that if she were blunt about it, whatever she felt would just go away.

"That was simply an act to save your life. If youre gonna tease me about it you should've kept your mouth shut then i wouldnt have to kiss you in the first place." Yongsun turned her face teasing Byulyi by looking at her straight into her eyes in a very close proximity. "You liked it. Didnt you? hmm~?" She looked at her with her brow raised in a teasing way.

"I- i.. uhm" Byulyi pulled her hand away from the girl and took a step away from Yongsun and getting all flustered at how bold Yongsun is. "Theres no fucking way in hell i would like the shit you did. But thanks, it helped." She mumbled the last part and Yongsun chuckled.

"What was that? I couldnt hear you."

"Hah, i dont hear you saying thank you either, maybe a little: 'oH mY gOd mY hanDsOme kNigHt, yoU lOSt yoUr hAnd tO sAve mY stUpiD aSs fRom bEinG biT fRom tHaT tErRifYing ZoMbiEeE." Byulyi dramatically put her right hand on her head and closed her eyes as she looked at the ceiling, "hOw cOuLd i eVeR tHaNk yOU'." Yongsun smacked her shoulder as Byulyi burst out laughing before continuing again. "'AhHhh maYbE a kiSS mWUaH MwuAHHh'." Yongsun laughed at her kissing gesture and smacked her arm again making Byulyi playfully annoyed and wrapped her hand around her neck and pushed her down to her side. They laughed as they walked towards the Generals office which he called them in for earlier.

Yongsun tried her best to get out of her grip, "Who's my stupid ass?" Byulyi said and moved her head around.

"Your?" Yongsun teased. Byulyi's face reddens and Yongsun chuckled. "Im the stupid ass, im sowwyyyy" They both laughed again.

Hyejin and Wheein got out of the room they were in which was infront of Byulyi and Yongsun. Hyejin looked at them disbelievingly. "What are you guys doing? Having the audacity to play around in the middle of all of this?"

"Lighten up wont you Hyejinnie?" She still held Yongsuns head to her side like a basketball, making Yongsun bend and smack her back to let her go and Byulyi couldnt help but smile. "Youre just wasting your time, we've got good news! The UAE is heading this way so smile a little yeah?"

"I know but are we even sure that they'll help us?" Wheein asked having that same blank expression as she always does, something very common the two girls have.

"Well we dont know that for sure but enjoy yourself know before you regret it later." Byulyi smiled as Yongsun squirmed around her grip and smacked her back again. "Ah right we'll see you later the General's been wanting to talk to Yongsun in private." Hyejin nodded and held Wheeins hand and walked over to the opposite direction. Yongsun looked up to Byulyi in questioning and Byulyi smirked while nodding. Yongsun then chuckled.

"Will you let me go now?" Byulyi shook her head and she groaned, they both laugh again. "What do i have to do to let me goooo?? Walking while bending isnt exactly comfortable you know."

"Hmmm maybe do exactly what i was saying earlier."


"Then suffer." Byulyi laughed evilly. Yongsun groaned as she would rather die than to have herself say what Byulyi wanted her to say in that 'imaginary' world of hers. Yongsun was actually very happy that Byulyi had been closer to her than she ever was after that kiss, she had been anxious that their friendship or whatever between them would be ruined after what she did. "Ya know, im pretty sure the generals gonna deploy you in the Alpha team with us. Excited?

"I guess?" Yongsun had trouble saying as her head was still under Byulyi's 'custody'. They reached the generals office after climbing some stairs and Byulyi finally let her head go. Yongsun stretched herself. "Finally!" Byulyi chuckled before knocking on the door.

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