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"The training field is free this afternoon, yeah? Im setting a reservation at 3" Byulyi said to the girl working there. She wrote something in the book infront of her. 

"Provided guns, Ma'am?"

"Yep. Thanks." Byulyi turned around and walked towards the main control room. Scientists and officers were there, trying to find a cure as well as a way to get any survivors to safety. Big screens covered the front wall with surveillance footages of all the cities in south korea, the higher officers keeping an eye on every single corner of the country. The alpha team was in the control room monitoring the next city they were going to check out for said survivors to be there. 

Eric, Minhyuk and Seulgi sat together infront of a computer, seems to Byulyi they were more of messing around instead of actually doing what they were supposed to be doing in the control room. Byulyi approached them from behind. "Whatcha guys doing?" All of them flinched and stood up, turned around and stood in attention and saluted. 

"Ma'am!" They said in unison, Byulyi moved closer into screen they were using, Eric furrowed his brows.

"What are you guys doing looking through mexico..?" Suelgi and Minhyuk gulped, whereas Eric contained his laughter. 

"Minhyuk always wanted to go there, Ma'am!" Seulgi said making Minhyuk nudge her harshly and Eric burst out laughing, "Ow! What the hell is that for?!" Seulgi whisper shouted.

"Please, do actual work from no on, i wont let this slide next time." Byulyi said seriously but found it very amusing they all nodded and went back to their seats, monitoring Korea this time they were still whispering something when Byulyi left. 

'Why would you say that to her!? We're a team Seul!'.. 'Oh please, she wasnt that mad, i think she found it funny haha.'.. 'Guys please, dont listen to her do what you want.'.. 'Shhh, remember what Hyejin said earlier she might even be hearing us right now!' 'Impossible..'

They turned to look at Byulyi who was looking right at them emotionlessly and they went back to work immediately after, 'Bet, She's a werewolf'..'Oh shut up Private.'

"Command Sergeant Byulyi! Pleased to see you here." A higher officer put his arm around her as a greeting and Byulyi smiled. 

"First lieutenant Xiumin. Pleased is a strong word now is it?" He furrowed his eyes at her as she pushed herself out of his arms, "I have a favor to ask about the civilian staying here."

"Which civilian? There's a lot."

"Kim Yongsun." He raised a brow at her, "I need her here with me" He waited for her to finish, "...As a soldier." She finally completed making The lieutenant open his mouth in disbelief. 

"You know we cant do that right? Training lasts at least 2 years before she gets deployed. You know that!" He said making Byulyi sigh.

"I know that sir." She said, "But look at me, i barely even had a year of training and im already one of the highest Sergeant ranks."

"Youre different-"

"That's why im training her, myself." She said seriously making Xiumin sigh since he was familiar with that tone in her voice, he knows he cant change her mind anymore.

"And you want me to tell the general about this, i suppose?" Byulyi smiled widely making Xiumin sigh once more. "Fine, only if you promise that we can always trust her with you." Byulyi clenched her teeth before agreeing. Xiumin left to see the general soon after and she leaned on the wall of the control room monitoring the big screens.

It was only half an hour left till she needed to go over to the training field to test Yongsun. Now that Xiumin was doing something that is violating Military regulations, she felt the obligation to keep her promise. All this trouble just to keep her safe beside her makes her annoyed, but she had to get used to it. She thinks this is a punishment for all of her sins ever since she joined military for her dad.

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