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"Im home!" Byulyi said as she opened the door to her house. Her youngest sister who looks up to her the most smiled the widest. 

"Welcome back soldier Unnie!" She hugged her sister who dropped her bag on her toes as she did. They both chuckled. 

"Haha, Im not a soldier yet Yesol" She patted her head as she picked the bag up again and closed the door behind her. Her other sister didnt really care, she sat there on the sofa as comfortable as possible and watched the TV whole heartedly. "Hello to you too" Byulyi said sarcastically making her sister smile before looking at her.

"Ewwww, your covered in mud! Clean up before entering the house Unnie!" She pouted and furrowed her brows. Byulyi was about to say something but she was cut off.

"Seulgi! Your sister is very tired, dont treat her like that." Her mother said before looking over at her oldest daughter in military uniform and covered in dirt. "Welcome home cadet." Byulyi had been gone for a month from the house for her training, and she'll have to go to another base near their house to continue her training the day after. She groaned at the thought that she had to sleep early since she needs to be there at 5 AM sharp, or else its a 100 pushup penalty if she;s late for even 5 minutes.

She took her combat boots off and set them aside in a shoe rack and went to take a shower and put her uniform in the laundry. She put on a much comfortable home clothes that she hasnt worn in a while. During her month training in Seoul, they ordered them to sleep with uniform as part of their 'training', it was very uncomfortable indeed but she got used to it.

As she walked out in the living room with a much better and clean outfit her other sister finally hugged her, "I missed you Unnie." She smiled smelling the wonderful softener used for the clothes she wore. 

"Hah! now you hugged me?? Not that im complaining.." She hugged her back, "I missed you too."

"Okay cut!" Seulgi pushed her away making Byulyi frown, "Way too much affection its cringy." They both laughed.

Yesol called out to Byulyi to watch a movie with them, "Is It Shrek again?" She asked, not even surprised as she heard the opening music. Yesol nodded like a little kid that she is and Byulyi sighed before sitting down next to her infront of the TV. She had already memorized the lines of the movie considering how many times her sister has played it.

Seulgi was sitting there with her earphones on, playing Call of Duty. Byulyi tilted her head at how good she was at shooting the other players she moved her head closer to her screen, "Since when did you like gun games?" Byulyi asked, her sister's face redden.

"I dont want to tell you. But, i enjoy them." Seulgi was a type of Tsundere. She downloaded Call of Duty ever since her sister joining the military, she thought that it was a way to connect with her sister while she was away, Byulyi was mostly never at home so it made her lonely. But, she got addicted to the game and is already in level 150.

"You'd make a pretty good soldier haha" Byulyi half joked, Seulgi never really wanted to but she's reconsidering because of the game. "There's no respawns though.." Byulyi said lowly making Seulgi's excitement go away.


"Guys!! are you not watching??" Yesol pouted making byulyi laugh nervously at the face that was her weakness.

"Yeah yeah, sorry." Byulyi looked at the time and it was already 5:30, she apologized "Sorry Yesol ah, i need to help mom with Dinner." Yesol pouted making Byulyi chuckle before the young girl nodded. 

Moon Byulyi was in her room, ready to go to sleep till she overheard her parents talk. Her little sisters were outside with them watching a movie, Byulyi couldnt care less about the movie and listened in what her parents were talking about. Her dad was a captain in the military, and she was in training. So, she wanted to know what they were on about, it was probably the large thud she heard from outside earlier. 

"There's trouble at the plantation and i need to check it out tonight." Her father said, making her more intrigued.

"The plantation next to our house? If so, im coming with." Her mother responded with worry in her voice.

"Okay then"  Byulyi thought it was probably nothing so she closed her door and went under her blanket to sleep since she had training at the military early the next morning, she let the faint sounds of the TV playing from the living room drive her to sleep. 

She was a light sleeper and is able to hear the faintest sounds. She heard an explosion in the middle of the night which immediately got her on her feet. The TV still on, she checked the time and it was 2 AM. What are they doing still up? She thought to herself hearing that the TV was still on which meant her sisters were still awake. 

She then heard loud footsteps running towards the house which seemed to be two people. It must be her parents. "No!!" She heard her mother scream, she felt too much of a coward to open the door but she did anyway, just a little. Her eyes widen as she saw her dad on the floor in front of the door covered in sweat from the running and, teeth marks on his hand. 

She got out of her room and called out to him but he was already making weird movements as if he was electrocuted. Byulyi's expression stayed the same, wide eyed, confused and scared. Her father looked different, his eyes were Grey, veins looked as if they were popping out of his neck but before Byulyi could observe more her father went crazy and took a bite out of her mothers neck.

She looked at the scene happening in front of her, she was frozen. "Unnie!" Her sister called out to her but she was way too shocked to even move. Was this actually happening? Zombies from movies actually happening in real life? no.. "Unnie! Whats happening!?" Her smaller sister called out to her she finally got to her senses when her mother was now the one with grey eyes and veins popping. Her father looked at them and stood up as fast as he could, both of her parents did.

Without thinking she ran back to her room and grabbed the pistol under her bed as fast as she could and ran back outside pointing at her dad who was already biting her sister and her mother with the smallest one. Screams filled the room, sound of gnawing of teeth into flesh, blood spraying. She felt as if her heart stopped beating from the rush of adrenaline. She pointed the gun at them. It took her a while to shoot but she did, she shot her father who was about to turn to look at her, then her mother who was almost done with the youngest in the family.

And for some reason, she started counting in her head as she looked at her sisters who had teeth marks on their necks going down to their shoulders. She looked at the front door as a loud banging was heard, she remembered in movies that sounds attract zombies, and seeing that their here its probably from the gunshot earlier.

"Unnie..." The youngest cried out, Byulyi looked back at them, she didnt know what to do. Her heart already hurts killing her parents like that but she had no choice. Both her sisters started acting like her parents did and their eyes turned grey. Byulyi pointed her gun at them, her hand was shaky she didnt want this. 10 seconds; Thats how long it took for them to change.

Her sisters ran towards her and she shot one of them as the youngest jumped on her and she kicked her to the floor and shot her on the head. Her commander's voice rung in her head.

"Dont be afraid to kill, if they are against humanity; Even if its your own family."

What have i done..? She sat down on the floor that was filled with the blood of her family, she cried as she saw her hands having little blood sprayed on them. She couldnt care less about the sound of banging on her front door, she didnt know if there was a chance to survive anymore. She realized that she'll never go back to the day when she was always dragged by her youngest sibling to watch Shrek, seeing their faces with a smile.

She remembered how much Yesol wanted to be in the military just like her, but that was only a few hours ago. Now they're here, lying in a pool of blood not moving, not breathing; Dead.

She closed her eyes and cried non stop, holding the sides of her head trying to cover the sounds of her family screaming that echoed in her head and the loud banging on the door. She didnt know what to do, she was way too young to die. She chuckled at the thought like a crazy person, Says the girl who killed her 14 and 8 year old sisters.. She was only 18, she was a murderer who killed her family. The thought of the first blood that she has to spill on her hands was her family never crossed her mind once.

This was the beginning of the end. End of the world.

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